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Live test of Govt’s e-Permit system

Live test of Govt’s e-Permit systemKUALA LUMPUR,Wednesday, June 27, 2001- A total of 25 permit-issuing government agencies (OGAs) will beginexchanging approved permit application details electronically with theRoyal Malaysian Customs and Excise Department’s Sistem Maklumat Kastam (JKED-SMK) from July 2 when the central e-permit system kicks off amonth-long “live” test.The OGA e-Permit System is being jointly implemented by Customs, DagangNet Technologies Sdn Bhd (DNT) and CMNet Dotcom Sdn Bhd.DNT, formerly known as Electronic Data Interchange (M) Sdn Bhd (EDIMalaysia), will build and manage the network connectivity between JKED-SMKand the OGAs, the company said in a statement.Its business partner CMNet will focus on marketing and providing user-endfacilities to importers and exporters.Phase One of the project would enable OGAs to transmit approved permitapplication details to, and receive official acknowledgement from,JKED-SMK using the front-end software OGA SANCRT Interface Module for SMK(OASiS).Phase Two, scheduled to be implemented in August, will enable importersand exporters to submit permit applications electronically to the OGAs.The approved applications will be automatically routed to Customs foracknowledgement, and the response would be sent electronically to theimporters and exporters.The entire process would be conducted via a single connection through theInternet or the private Dagang· Net network, DTN said.Currently, five OGAs are already exchanging documents electronically withJKED-SMK. They are the Veterinary Services Dept, Malaysian Timber IndustryBoard, International Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti), the NationalForest and Wildlife Protection Department and Sirim Bhd.According to Customs Deputy Director-General Datuk Abdul Rashid Bolong,the implementation of the OGA e-Permit System is a major step forward forthe Electronic-Government (E-Gov) initiative.“It effectively completes the trade cycle loop and drastically reduces theamount of paperwork and human intervention.“We are now able to monitor the country’s trade much more effectively tosafeguard our country’s economic, social and security interests. The taskof tax collection can be done more efficiently and effectively to benefitthe nation,” he claimed.Currently, the 25 OGAs manually process more than 300,000 permitsannually, taking an average of three to 10 days to process a permit.Each agency has its own unique system and requirements that necessitatetedious matching of declarations and approved permits at JKED-SMK, andsometimes causes inaccurate data balancing between the OGAs, JKED-SMK andthe Statistics Department.“The OGA e-Permit System will reduce permit-processing and approval timedown to just a few hours to within a day. Procedures will be standardisedand a single ‘e-document’ can be routed to all relevant parties withoutthe need for duplication. Incomplete and inaccurate data would be thingsof the past,” DNT chief executive officer Hazree M. Turee said in astatement.He claimed that the project was different from other E-Gov initiatives asit was based on a proven working model, the Port Klang Community System(PKCS), and uses the established SMK-Dagang·Net infrastructure thathandles some 150,000 electronic transactions and some RM4mil in electronicpayments daily.The participating OGAs are:1) International Trade and Industry Ministry2) Malaysian Foreign Trade Development Corporation (Martrade)3) National Forest and Wildlife Protection Department4) Agricultural Department (Quarantine)5) Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (Fama)6) Department of Veterinary Services7) Malaysian Fisheries Department8) Padi and Rice Supervision Section9) Fisheries Development Authority10) Pesticides Board11) Road Transport Department (JPJ)12) Department of Electricity and Gas Supply13) Malaysian National Film Development Corporation (Finas)14) Al-Quran Film and Text Production Section15) Royal Malaysian Police16) Pharmacy Services Section17) Food Quality Control Section18) Malaysian Palm Oil Board19) Malaysian Timber Industry Board20) Malaysian Cocoa Board21) Malaysian Rubber Board22) Department of Environment23) Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (Sirim)24) Finance Ministry25) Department of Museums and Antiquities


USDA trims soybean planting estimate for 2001

USDA trims soybean planting estimate for 2001(Adds with CBOT closing paragraph 7)


Guthrie Sees Rising CPO Output From Its Indon Co

Guthrie Sees Rising CPO Output From Its Indon Co


Minister Wants To See Millionaire Public-sector Re

Minister Wants To See Millionaire Public-sector ResearchersKUALA LUMPUR, June 28 (Bernama) -- The Minister of Primary IndustriesDatuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik hopes to see Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB)researchers becoming millionaires one day through the collection ofroyalties on the commercial application of their research and development(R&D) work.


Palm oil exports to Pakistan may rise if US impose

Palm oil exports to Pakistan may rise if US imposes sanctionsKuala Lumpur (Business Times) 6/28/2001Malaysia's palm oil exports to Pakistan may increase by 20-25 per cent ifthe US decides to impose trade sanctions on the re-public as the sanctionswill halt Pakistan's import of US soya bean and soyabean oil.Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA) chief executive M. R. Chandran saidif the US decides to take action against Pakistan, Malaysia stands tobenefit."Pakistan which imported 1 million tonnes of Malaysia's palm oil last yearcan easily import an additional amount of between 200,000 tonnes to250,000 tonnes if the sanction comes into effect," Chandran told BusinessTimes in Kuala Lumpur last Friday."If the sanction takes place, it will be in Malaysia's favour because theUS would halt exports of soya bean and soyabean oil to the republic andPakistan will have to source alternative oils elsewhere," Chandran said.President Pervez Musharraf, the military ruler in October 1999, had oustedthe elected government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodlessmilitary coup as part of his efforts to introduce reforms after accusingthe Government of widespread corruption and violations of the country'sconstitution.Musharaff had also dissolved the suspended National Assembly and the fourprovisional assemblies, moves that were widely criticised by manycountries, especially the US, as undemocratic.Pakistan and India have both been slapped with an arms embargo byWashing-ton since May 1998 for con-ducting nuclear tests.Pakistan had also received the sanctions by the US for its part inreceiving missile development technology from China late last year.According to the MPOA, an association formed last year represented by 91plantation companies, Pakistan imported 334,000 tonnes of soyabean oil in1999 and 163,000 tonnes last year.


Palm oil prices rebound as India discusses import

Palm oil prices rebound as India discusses import duty cut6/27/2001(Reuters) - Malaysian palm oil futures rebounded at the close onTuesday on talk that India may cut import duty on crude palm oil.The benchmark third-month September contract was up RM 7 at RM 838 (US$220.53) a tonne after trading as low as RM 824 on overnight losses inChicago. Volume was at 918 lots.The market saw last minute covering on talk that India will cut its CPOimport tax, said one trader.Such rumours may sound strange because monsoon rains look good in India.This means the country will have ample oilseeds harvests and maintain theduty to protect prices.But still, the market believes India will cut the tax, he added. India’scrude palm oil duty stands at 75%.Trader in India said most of the country’s major soybean areas had beensown after timely monsoon rains, but more rains were needed immediately toensure the crop’s development.In the physical sector, June/July crude palm oil (CPO) for the southernand central regions was offered at RM 830 a tonne against bids at RM 825.Trader was at RM 825 for south and at RM 820 for central.Among refined products, July RBD palm oil was offered at US$ 237.50 atonne FOB and August at US$ 240. There were offers for July RBD olein atUS$ 252.50 and August at US$ 255. July RBD palm stearin was offered at US$185 and July palm fatty acid distillate at US$ 150.


Pirates seize tanker, skipper held hostage in Ache

Pirates seize tanker, skipper held hostage in Acheh for RM360,000 ransom(The Star) Wednesday, June 27, 2001-Pirates in the notorious Indonesianwaters off Acheh struck again, hijacking a tanker on Monday as the searchfor a Malaysian vessel seized a week ago continues.Pirates stormed the Indonesian-owned mt Tirta Niaga IV in the Straits ofMalacca and took the captain hostage, demanding a ransom of one billionrupiah (RM360,000).The tanker, loaded with 2,850 tonnes of refined palm oil products, wasboarded by pirates while it was at anchor at about 6pm and its 58-year-oldmaster, Simon S. Perera, taken to Acheh.Reports said that the tanker left Butterworth with 21 crew members earlierthat day and was heading for India.Confirming the latest attack, Malaysian marine police said it wasmonitoring the situation with the International Maritime Bureau.Police said the owner of the tanker was still negotiating with thepirates."We will intercept the mt Tirta Niaga IV if it enters our waters."We are more concerned about mt Selayang and will apprehend the tanker atthe first opportunity," marine police chief Senior Asst Comm (II) MuhamadMuda said yesterday as international experts began a two-day meeting onways to fight sea piracy in Asia.On June 19, the Shell-chartered mt Selayang left the oil company'srefinery in Port Dickson for Labuan but was boarded by pirates, who latersailed it into Indonesian waters.After five days, Indonesia's efforts to track down the vessel seem to haverun aground.Senior Indonesian naval operations officer Capt S.M. Darojatim said thenavy had conducted three air searches for the mt Selayang since Friday butto no avail.SAC Muhamad said an anti-piracy special task force was on stand-by tostorm the vessel should it enter Malaysian waters."We will step in once it enters our territorial waters. Meanwhile, all wecan do is wait," he said after the 4th International Chamber ofCommerce-International Maritime Bureau (ICC-IMB) Meeting on Piracy andPhantom Ships, which started here yesterday.SAC Muhamad hoped the Indonesian authorities would consider using"dramatic measures" in locating the vessel and detaining the pirates aswell as protecting the lives of the 15 crew members.Indonesian chief of Batam Command and Control Centre, Lt-Cmdr M. Zaenal,said the safety of the crew was a major consideration in any action tointercept the ship.IMB director Capt P. Mukundan said "precise and prompt information"pertaining to the location of the ship had been forwarded to theIndonesian authorities."We want them to take firm action. The latest incident has shown thatthere has been an increase in the number of very serious attacks," hesaid.He was commenting on Indonesian claims that delayed information from IMBwas hampering the search.Last month, the IMB's Piracy Reporting Centre based here said actual orattempted piracy attacks from January to March worldwide hit a high of 68.


Soy a big part of diet as men eat to beat prostate

Soy a big part of diet as men eat to beat prostate cancerDate Posted: 6/28/2001Europe Intelligence Wire: STATISTICS show that more and more men have beendiagnosed with prostate cancer over the past 20 years.The disease is now the second most common cause of cancer death in the UKand will be the biggest by 2004.Yet, despite the gloomy statistics, there is hope. Mounting evidencesuggests the risk of prostate cancer is closely linked to what we eat.This month, research published in the medical journal The Lancet foundthat men who consume plenty of oily fish enjoy a lowered risk of prostatecancer compared to those who don't. Other research points to protectiveeffects from fruit, vegetables and soya products.In addition, while some foods appear to reduce the risk of prostatecancer, others seem to have the opposite effect. Foods rich in animal fat,particularly dairy products, have been implicated.Research is stacking up to suggest that with a few simple adjustments tothe diet, men can reduce their risk of developing this increasingly commoncondition.Oily fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel and herring are rich inhealthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids These are thought to have anumber of important health-giving effects, including a naturalanti-inflammatory action and the ability to reduce the risk of heartdisease and depression.Over the past decade, there has been increasing scientific interest in therole omega-3 fatty acids may have in the prevention of cancers. Recently,research has focused on the link with prostate cancer.Two studies published in 1999 found that a high level of omega-3 fats inthe body was associated with a reduced risk.This association is strengthened by research which found that men eatingmoderate or high amounts of oily fish were up to three times less likelyto develop prostate cancer compared to those who ate none. So men might dowell to consume at least two or three portions of oily fish a week.Furthermore, a 1998 study associated high consumption of dairy productswith a 50pc rise in prostate cancer risk. Another study, published lastyear, found that men consuming 21/2 servings of dairy products a dayincreased their prostate cancer risk by more than 40pc.ALTERNATIVES to cow's milk-based dairy products include soya milk, soyayoghurt and soya ice cream. Soya consumption is associated with asignificantly reduced risk of prostate cancer.One study found that men consuming soya milk more than once a day had a70pc reduction in risk of developing this disease.Cancer is known to be triggered, at least in part, by damaging moleculesknown as 'Free radicals'. Free radical damage can be reduced throughincreased consumption of 'Antioxidant' nutrients in the diet, such asvitamins C and E, beta-carotene and the mineral selenium.Antioxidants are generally abundant in fruit and vegetables. Last year, astudy published in the Journal Of The National Cancer Institute found thatmen consuming four servings of vegetables a day had a 35 pc reduced riskof prostate cancer compared to those consuming two servings a day.One nutrient which has received special attention is the trace mineralselenium.A study in the Journal Of The National Cancer Institute in 1998 found thatmen with the highest level of selenium had one-third the risk ofdeveloping prostate cancer compared to men with the lowest seleniumlevels.In 1996, a study found that men who took a daily supplement of 200mcg ofselenium had a significantly reduced risk of prostate cancer. One of therichest natural sources of selenium is brazil nuts. However, taking asupplement is prudent for men who want to reduce their DR JOHN BRIFFA


Study claims GM crops save U.S. farms billions

Study claims GM crops save U.S. farms billionsSAN DIEGO, (Financial Times) 6/27/2001 - The first comprehensive estimateof the benefits of genetically modified crops claims that they are alreadysaving US farmers billions of dollars a year through a combination oflower inputs and increased yields - and they could save billions ofdollars more if growers were not held back by fears of consumerresistance.The study, carried out by the National Centre for Food and AgriculturalPolicy in Washington with support from the biotechnology industry and theRockefeller Foundation, was presented at the Bio 2001 conference in SanDiego. It looked at 30 crops that have been genetically engineered forpest resistance, including a wide range of fruit and vegetables as well ascereals and cotton.It assessed the economic benefits to farmers and the environmental gainsthrough reduced applications of pesticides and weed-killers but did notinclude the negative factors emphasised by anti-GM campaigners: the impacton wildlife and possible health hazards.Leonard Gianessi, the study director, presented the first eight cropassessments to the conference. The full study would be completed inSeptember, he said, "but I can tell you already that we will see severalbillion dollars worth of additional production and savings to growers as aresult of GM crops".The largest benefit seen for any one crop was in soya beans, where 63 percent of the US crop planted this year - on 49m acres - is geneticallyengineered to resist Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. Growers have to applyRoundup only once to kill all weeds, whereas non-GM soya requires three orfour herbicide applications; the average saving in weed control is Dollars15 per acre, according to the NCFAP study."If US growers no longer planted the GM herbicide-tolerant soybeancultivars, they would likely substitute alternative herbicides which wouldincrease soybean production costs by Dollars 735m a year," Mr Gianessiconcluded. For Bt cotton, which kills the crop's main insect pests, thestudy found that pesticide use in the US had been cut by more than 1m kgper year, production had increased by 100m kg per year and growers weremaking Dollars 99m a year more in net revenues.But some GM crops, incl-uding sugar beet, potatoes and sweetcorn (maize),are not being grown commercially, although they have received regulatoryapproval. That is because farmers do not want to risk losing sales throughconsumers' reluctance to buy. The study concluded that Florida growerscould produce 10m kg more sweetcorn and cut insecticide use by 80 per cent(50,000 kg per year) by switching to a Bt variety marketed by Syngenta."Despite the potential benefits, Florida sweetcorn growers are notplanting the (GM) cultivars due to concerns regarding potential lostsales."





Coconut industry, soap makers look for compromise

Coconut industry, soap makers look for compromise on petroleum surfactants


Far East Expects To See Reduced FFB Production

Far East Expects To See Reduced FFB Production