Archived News
Soy sterol-based vegetable spreads reduce choleste
Soy sterol-based vegetable spreads reduce cholesterol riskUSA, 5/24/2001( - Government heart disease guidelines aregiving a boost to two new vegetable spreads that contain expensivecholesterol-reducing compounds.Benecol and Take Control spreads can reduce levels of LDL bad cholesterolby about 15 percent in two weeks, according to studies sponsored by themanufacturers.The spreads contain compounds found in plants, called stanols and sterols,that block the absorption of cholesterol into the body.Last week, the National Cholesterol Education Program recommended that 65million Americans go on cholesterol-lowering diets to reduce the risk ofheart disease. The panel recommended that 36 million people also takecholesterol-lowering drugs.In a heart-healthy diet, less than 7 percent of calories should come fromsaturated fat and less than 35 percent from total fat. Each day, dietersshould eat less than 200 milligrams of cholesterol and consume at least 10to 25 grams of fiber.The government also recommends consuming 2 grams of stanols or sterols perday. A one-tablespoon serving of Take Control contains 1.6 grams ofsterols, while a serving of Benecol contains 1.5 grams of stanols.Low levels of stanols and sterols occur naturally in plants. These levelsare greatly boosted in the new spreads-it takes 2,500 tons of soybean oilto produce 1 ton of sterols used in Take Control. (Benecol's stanols comefrom pine trees.)At a Jewel supermarket Saturday, the regular price of Benecol was $11.98per pound, while Take Control cost $5.58 per pound. By comparison, a poundof regular Fleischmann's spread cost just $2.09.Benecol can be used in baking and frying; Take Control cannot. Benecol has80 calories per serving; Take Control, 50. To a reporter doing a tastetest, Benecol and Take Control tasted about the same as Fleischmann's.Benecol and Take Control do not raise HDL good cholesterol, nor reducefats called triglycerides that contribute to heart disease.The spreads have to be eaten every day to remain effective. To avoidgaining weight, a consumer should eat Benecol and Take Control in placeof, not in addition to, other fats, said dietitian Laurie Maimonis ofNorthwestern Memorial Hospital's Wellness Institute.Benecol and Take Control flush out beneficial food chemicals calledcarotinoids, said Bruce Silverglade of the Center for Science in thePublic Interest, a consumer group. In Europe, the spreads aren'trecommended for children and pregnant women, he said."When we combine the medicine chest with the refrigerator, consumers willhave to exercise extra caution," Silverglade said.
Thai palm oil diesel blend set for January sales
Thai palm oil diesel blend set for January salesThe Nation (Thailand) via NewsEdge Corporation, 5/24/2001(Soyatech) :Blend set to go on sale by January 2002, join in success of coconut-oilmix being sold in South Using a formula developed by His Majesty the King,the Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) plans to introduce a blend ofpalm oil and diesel fuel early next year.PTT's biodiesel follows the success of a coconut oil and diesel blendproduced by a farmer's cooperative in the Southern provinces.The state-owned petroleum firm expects its blend would enjoy a tax breakthat would make the fuel an affordable alternative that could helpThailand reduce its reliance on imported diesel fuel.Sawaeng Boonyasuwat, head of PTT's research and technology institute, saidthe state firm's move to produce a biodiesel would further strengthen thepublic's confidence in the quality of blended fuels.The biodiesel blend using coconut oil is being used in Southern provinces,but there is no evidence that the mixture causes engine damage, Sawaengsaid.PTT would spend about one month to determine the appropriate ratio for theblend.Studies now focus on using more than 20-per-cent palm oil with the diesel.Under a project assigned by His Majesty the King, PTT developed biodieselwith a mixture of 10 per cent palm oil and found it to be suitable forunmodified diesel engines in agricultural applications. product would beBt0.70 a litre cheaper than pure diesel, which sells for about Bt 14.5 alitre, Sawaeng said."Once the study is finished, we will propose to the government to ask forsupporting measures, including tax privileges. After that, another sixmonths would be required for adjusting the formula and production which islikely to be conducted at the Thai Oil refinery," he said.Thai Oil, majority-owned by PTT, is a refining arm of the national oilfirm.Its facility, located in Chonburi, now blends gasohol, a plant-extractfuel comprised of 90 per cent gasoline and 10 per cent of alcohol.The launch of PTT biodiesel is targeted for January 2002 in accordancewith PTT's schedule to offer gasohol at another 100 service stationsnationwide.Right now, only one PTT gasohol station is in operation at itsheadquarters on Vipavadee Rangsit Road in Bangkok."Gasohol demand is rising with the current sales of 3,000 litres a day,"Sawaeng said.The production volume of biodiesel has not yet finalised, as it wouldlargely depend on price of agricultural produce.Demand for the coconut-diesel blend in Prachuap Khiri Khan province causedfarmers to raise prices for coconut oil, sending biodiesel prices from Bt6a litre to between Bt10 and Bt11.The jump in production costs forced two biodiesel stations to be closeddown last week.
First pure biodiesel pumps open in California
First pure biodiesel pumps open in CaliforniaSAN FRANCISCO, 5/23/2001( – As the nation confronts an energycrisis brought on in part by U.S. dependence on foreign petroleum, afueling station in San Francisco is giving motorists the chance to buy adomestically produced alternative to diesel fuel at a public pump.Olympian Inc. ( has partnered with World Energy Alternatives( and CytoCulture ( to open thenation’s first publicly accessible fueling station to offer purebiodiesel.Biodiesel is a cleaner-burning alternative fuel made from renewable fatsor oils, such as soybean oil, and can be burned in any diesel vehicle withlittle or no modification to the engine. Biodiesel and biodiesel blendshave been proven successful in more than 40 million road miles, and morethan 80 major fleets nationwide currently use the fuel commercially. Mostfleets using biodiesel are government fleets, transit agencies, nationalparks or school bus fleets – all of which have their own private fuelingstations. This is the first time that pure biodiesel (B100) will beavailable at a public fueling station."This is a significant step for the industry," said Joe Jobe, executivedirector of the National Biodiesel Board. "Although biodiesel is availablenationwide and anyone can buy it from a fuel distributor, having it at apublic pump simplifies the process for private citizens. There istremendous interest in biodiesel out there among environmentallyconscientious people, and we anticipate the fueling station will do a lotof business."At 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday May 23rd, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will takeplace at 2690 3rd Street in San Francisco. To underscore the event, SanFrancisco Supervisor Gavin Newsome and Peter Ward of the CaliforniaTransportation Office will speak about how biodiesel and other renewablefuels will benefit the City of San Francisco and the State of California.Bluewater Network Executive Director Russell Long will also speak abouthow renewable fuels like biodiesel are a practical and immediate way tocombat global warming and other environmental concerns. Bluewater Networkis a member of the Biodiesel Alliance, which is made up of environmentaland scientific groups supporting the use of biodiesel. To promoteawareness for the fuel’s operational qualities, Bluewater Network staffwearing mechanic's coveralls will pump free biodiesel, up to five gallonsper vehicle, from 10:15 AM to 11:00 AM.A similar fueling station opened today in Sparks, Nevada outside Reno.That station offers B20 at the pump rather than B100.The fuel performs similarly to petroleum diesel, but is non-toxic,biodegradable and free of sulfur. Biodiesel is a registered fuel with theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA), and its use significantly reducesharmful emissions. On average, the use of biodiesel cuts carbon monoxideby 44%, unburned hydrocarbons by 68% and particulate matter by 40%compared to petroleum-based diesel. Biodiesel reduces air toxics by up to90 percent. In some engines, nitrous oxide emissions are increasedslightly, but still within EPA regulations. Biodiesel contains nopetroleum, but it can be blended with diesel at any level or used in itspure form.Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have completed the HealthEffects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990. TheDepartment of Energy (DOE) estimates the cancer-causing potential ofbiodiesel exhaust is at least 80 percent less than that of petroleumdiesel. Additionally, DOE lifecycle analysis shows a 78 percent reductionin CO2, the primary greenhouse gas attributed to global warming.Readers can learn more about biodiesel by visiting The National Biodiesel Board is funded in partby the United Soybean Board and state soybean board checkoff programs.
ASA lobbies for $1.50/gallon biodiesel subsidy
5/17/2001( - Oxy-Fuel News via NewsEdge Corporation :The American Soybean Association (ASA) told Congress recently that itwants a hefty tax subsidy for biodiesel that would be mandatorily blendedinto petroleum diesel.
Duty cut on edible oils unlikely
Duty cut on edible oils unlikely
Thai King applies for palm oil patent
Thai King applies for palm oil patent
Kentucky buses powered by soy-based fuel
Kentucky buses powered by soy-based fuelPrinceton, Kentucky, USA. 4/25/2001 ( - This Spring,passengers on city buses in Lexington, Kentucky might notice a faint smellresembling vegetable oil in the air. The Lexington Transit Authority(LexTran) announced today its buses are running on biodiesel, aclean-burning alternative fuel made from soybean oil.LexTran is using B20, a common blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleumdiesel, in its fleet of 46 city buses. LexTran joins the ranks of othercity transit authorities using the fuel, like New Jersey Transit,Cincinnati Metro and Five Seasons Transportation in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.Biodiesel is not raw soybean oil, but rather is made through aconventional chemical process called transesterification. The use ofbiodiesel reduces emissions such as carbon monoxide, particulate matterand hydrocarbons compared to petroleum diesel. Biodiesel offers similarperformance to diesel, has excellent lubricity and is the safest of allfuels to use, handle and store."I'm very excited about biodiesel being used in our buses," said SteveRowland, LexTran executive director. "This is the first alternative fuelI've ever been exposed to that is truly practical for our operation. Wecan immediately begin cleaning up the air in our state without having toinvest in special vehicles or even having to make changes in our currentbuses. We literally became a cleaner-burning, alternative fuel fleetovernight."The initial biodiesel program runs through June. It is a joint ventureinvolving LexTran, the Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board and GriffinIndustries, Inc. Griffin Industries will produce the soy-based biodieselfuel and have the B20 blend delivered by LexTranÃs fuel distributor.The grant will be used to finance the slight price increase of thesoy-based biodiesel to run LexTranÃs buses. They will cover about 450,000miles during the program.ìThe grant is part of an effort to create more demand so farmers can getbetter prices,î said Debbie Ellis, executive director of the KentuckySoybean Board. Kentucky has 6,500 soybean farmers with average productionyields of 42 to 44 million bushels of soybeans per year."Even though this initial biodiesel program only goes through June, it islikely that LexTran will continue using biodiesel as Kentucky continuesefforts to clean up the air," Rowland said.Biodiesel has been used in Europe for about 20 years. Although biodieselis not yet as well known as other alternative fuels in the U.S., it is anestablished fuel with a proven track record. More than 60 major U.S.fleets currently use biodiesel. It is available in all 50 states and hasbeen proven successful in 40 million road miles.Biodiesel is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asa fuel and fuel additive. It is the only alternative fuel to have passedthe rigorous Health Effects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act.Those test results show biodiesel reduces carcinogenic air toxics by75-90% compared to diesel. The results, submitted to the EPA in 2000, alsoshow biodiesel is non-toxic, biodegradable and free of sulfur.Readers can learn more about biodiesel by visiting The National Biodiesel Board is funded in partby the United Soybean Board and state soybean board checkoff programs.