CPO price forecast to climb for rest of the year
Positive growth for plantation sector, amid rising CPO prices
Global Stearic Acid Prices Climb Amid Palm Oil Shortages and Rising Production Costs
Lembaga Pemasaran Bersama Untuk Stabilkan Harga MS
KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Julai (Bernama) -- Agensi-agensi kerajaan dari Indonesiadan Malaysia, yang mengawal selia industri minyak sawit, sedang membuatpersiapan untuk menubuhkan lembaga pemasaran bersama yang boleh membantumenstabilkan harga minyak sawit.
Malaysia's July 1-20 Palm Oil Exports At 704,061 M
KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Malaysia's palm oil exports for July 1-20totaled 704,061 metric tons, up 11.9% from the 629,233 tons exported inthe first 20 days of June, cargo surveyor SGS (Malaysia) Bhd. saidTuesday.The figure is higher than another estimate earlier Tuesday from IntertekTesting Services but within market expectations.Intertek estimated July 1-20 exports at 683,903 tons.The following are the details of the major items in the SGS estimate.
China 2003/04 Soybean Imports Forecast at 18 Milli
17/04/04 - China’s current soybean imports have dropped greatly, with thearrivals in July down from May and June. The actual arrivals have declinedfrom June. Some domestic large crushers are still worrying about thefuture soybean supply and some crushers are considering adjusting theoperation rate in an effort to keep the normal production when the soybeansupply is insufficient. If the current situations continue, the importedsoybean stocks will be used up soon.
China Edible Oil Prices Show Stable to Downward Tr
17/07/04 - The domestic edible oil prices have been stable recently, withthe demand up from June, but the domestic rapeseed oil and palm oil priceshave been low. The current domestic edible oil prices have been low,greatly affected by the palm oil and rapeseed oil prices. The rapeseed oilex-factory prices have remained stable recently in South China, with thegrade 2 rapeseed oil ex-factory price at 5,900 Yuan per ton, lowex-factory price at 5,700-5,800 Yuan per ton and high ex-factory priceapproaching 6,000 Yuan per ton.
M'sia Unhappy With The Latest WTO Draft
KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 (Bernama) -- Malaysia is unhappy with the outcome ofthe latest draft on the modalities on liberalisation of agriculture underthe World Trade Organisation (WTO) agenda.
Nigerian palm oil firm has expanded, ready to meet
7/19/2004 VANGUARD (NIGERIA) AAGM - SINCE 2002, Presco Plc, has embarkedupon massive expansions of its plantations and processing facilities. Inthis piece, the company's Managing Director/CEO, Mr. Pierre Vandebeeck,says its production base has doubled, and the company is now wellpositioned to meet the needs of food manufacturing industry which dependson oil palm products for their operation.
Plant sterols may affect absorption of vitamin E,
7/19/2004 - Myriam Richelle and colleagues from the Nestle ResearchCentre, Switzerland, have discovered that adding plant sterols to foods toreduce the absorption of cholesterol, also reduces the absorption ofbeta-carotene and vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol). However, the sterols didnot significantly reduce the absorption of vitamin A (retinol) andvitamins D and K.
Import Of E-Oil By India Down 28 Pct In Eight Mont
NEW DELHI, July 16 (Bernama) -- The import of edible oil by India hasdropped by 28 percent in the eight months of the current oil year (Nov '03to June'04).
Indian curbs on palm oil imports to hit global pri
7/17/04 - India and China are expected to cut down on imports of crudepalm oil (CPO) from major producers such as Indonesia and Malaysia in thenext few months, chairman of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association, DeromBangun, said.