CPO prices to remain elevated in Q1 due to low inventory levels as at end-2024
Palm oil retreats on weak export demand
As Indonesia scores a palm oil ‘win’ over EU, what next for its big biofuel gamble?
Oil palm estates to biotech farms vision
27/08/2003 - THE new generation of oil palm plantations will likely findbetter and greater value functioning as biotech farms by the turn of thenew millennium, said IOI Corp Bhd group executive chairman Tan Sri LeeShin Cheng.
Palm Oil Prices Will Come Down Next Month, Says Lo
PUTRAJAYA, Aug 26 (Bernama) -- Palm oil prices could narrow down toRM1,100 next month and stabilise to around RM1,200 per tonne followingthat, says a London based economist.
Palm oil Proves To Be An Excellent Media For Fryin
PUTRAJAYA, Aug 26 (Bernama) -- Palm oil and palm olein with their proventechno-economic advantages are excellent and versatile frying media foralmost all frying activities, a recent study found.
Seeing Palm Oil Sector As A Source Of Economic Gro
PUTRAJAYA, Aug 26 (Bernama) -- Improving market access for agricultureexports, particularly palm oil, is one of the key challenges that needs tobe addressed in the efforts to turn the agriculture sector as a source ofeconomic growth.
Be street smart, palm oil players told
26/08/2003 - MALAYSIA’S palm oil players need intellectual capability orbe street smart to position the commodity as a powerhouse in the globaloils and fats economy.
Berguna untuk rawatan lambatkan proses penuaan
26/08/20003 - MINYAK sawit yang dikenali sebagai minyak makanan asli danmenyihatkan, kini semakin popular dalam industri kosmetik keranakandungannya yang serupa dengan lemak yang terdapat di permukaan kulitmanusia.
Keng Yaik bidas Felda, Risda, Felcra
26/08/2003 - Beliau berkata, kegagalan agensi terbabit terbukti apabilahasil pengeluaran kurang tiga tan minyak sawit sehektar setahun olehpekebun kecil berbanding lima tan bagi sektor ladang.
Kerajaan kaji guna bahan api biodiesel
26/08/2003 - KEMENTERIAN Perusahaan Utama sedang menimbang dengan seriusuntuk mewajibkan campuran diesel dengan minyak sawit sebagai bahan apiyang lebih mesra alam digunakan bagi kenderaan awam dan persendirian.
Malaysian palm oil production to hit record 12.5m
26/08/2003 - MALAYSIA’S palm oil production this year is expected to hitan all-time high of 12.5 million tonnes, an increase of 5 per centcompared with 11.9 million tonnes last year.