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China approves Indonesian plan to build crude palm
calendar17-12-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

JAKARTA, Dec 4 (Asia Pulse) - The Chinese government has reportedlyapproved Jakarta's plan to build reservoir tanks for crude palm oil (CPO)to facilitate the export of the commodity from Indonesia.The Agriculture Ministry's director general for the supervision of theprocessing and marketing of agricultural products, Iskandar Andi Nuhung,disclosed that China's need for CPO is expected to increase to 2.4 milliontons this year, up by one-third of the 1.8 million tons in 2001."The building of the reservoir tanks will cut the distribution time, thushelping step up Indonesia's CPO exports to China," he said.Nuhung pointed out that Indonesia's CPO exports to China is expected to goup from 400,000 tons in 2001 to 750,000 tons this year.He said the building of the CPO reservoir tanks will be undertaken byprivate enterprises, while the Indonesian government will facilitate it byacting as intermediary with its Chinese counterpart.Nuhung told journalists that the export value of Indonesian agriculturalproducts for the year is expected to reach US$1.4 billion to US$1.5billion from CPO, US$750 million to US$1 billion from rubber, and US$600million to US$800 million from cocoa.On the occasion, the director general also announced that the governmentwill impose control over the import of 17 commodities of food crops,plantation, animal husbandry and horticulture.The 17 commodities include rice, corn, soy bean, sugar, palm oil, rubber,cocoa, coffee, shallots, poultry and hide."In addition to imposing control over the import of these products, therewill also be efforts to promote exports and domestic marketing," he said.