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Spectrum Organics Leads the Charge for Palm Fruit
calendar05-08-2005 | | Share This Post:

4/8/2005 PETALUMA, Calif.-- Spectrum Organic Products (OTCBB:SPOP), theproducer of Spectrum Naturals Organic Shortening, wants its customers andthe community to clearly understand the health benefits of high-quality,organic palm fruit oil and the sustainable agricultural practices employedby its supplier Daabon.

Introduced in 2000, Spectrum Naturals Organic Shortening was the firstall-vegetable shortening to contain no hydrogenated oils and zerotrans-fats. It is 100 percent certified organic, expeller-pressed palmfruit oil, which is in a naturally solid state at room temperature (72degrees F). Vegetable oils such as soybean and cottonseed are naturallyliquid at room temperature so they must be hydrogenated to create a solidfat at room temperature.

With the spotlight on the detrimental health effects of trans-fats fromhydrogenated oils, palm fruit oil has emerged as a healthier alternative.Palm fruit oil contains a balance of healthy fats, with 50% of the fatcontent as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Richard M. Delany, M.D., F.A.C.C., founder of Personalized PreventativeMedicine, a clinical practice focusing on Cardiology, Internal Health andNutrition, notes, "Clinical studies have shown that palm fruit oilconsumption with its unique fatty acid composition actually lowers the"bad" LDL cholesterol and raises the "good" HDL cholesterol when it isused as a replacement for trans fats and saturated fats."(1)(2)

As expected, the more companies and consumers learn about the benefits ofpalm fruit oil, the greater the demand for the product. Palm fruit oil isnow second only to soybean oil in terms of global demand, accounting for28 per cent of total edible vegetable oil sales.

With this increase in demand have come abuses in supply. Some largecompanies have not taken a sustainable approach to palm fruit oilcultivation, harvesting or production. They have cleared large tracts ofland through burning and clear cutting, endangering native flora andfauna. Habitats harboring fragile native animal and plant species havebeen destroyed in Malaysia and Indonesia, the major producers of palmfruit oil.

Spectrum Organic Products is committed to being a good company from theground up. That means working with talented, dedicated people to createthe best products possible, and using processes that are gentle to boththe planet and the people who inhabit it. One example of this commitmentis the company's relationship with palm fruit oil grower and producerDaabon Organic ( Daabon (da-bone) has provided thehigh-quality organic palm fruit oil that comprises Spectrum's OrganicShortening since the product was first introduced in 2000.

Founded in 1914, Daabon's farms are located along the northern Caribbeancoast of Colombia on the western slopes of the Santa Marta mountain range.All fields are certified in accordance with international third partycertifying agencies and have obtained social and environmentalcertification through such organizations as S.A. 8000, Eco-Cert, ProForestand Bio Suisse.

Spectrum's President and CEO Neil Blomquist explains, "Liquid oils cannotproduce the qualities that consumers have come to expect in theirpastries, crackers, cookies and other products. Liquid oils simply do notcreate the 'mouth feel' or the prolonged shelf life that we get from hardfats. Spectrum is able to healthfully and responsibly answer the marketdemand for an alternative to hydrogenated oils. We encourage othercompanies to embrace the natural qualities of palm fruit oil as ahealthful alternative to hydrogenated oils"

Spectrum Organic Products, Inc (OTCBB:SPOP), the leading manufacturer andmarketer of organic and natural oils and condiments in North America, wasfounded in 1986 by Jethren Phillips. Today, the company sells more than175 products under the Spectrum brand, as well as industrial sizes of oilsand condiments through its Spectrum Ingredients(R) division. The companycontinues to embrace its four core values -- GOOD PEOPLE -- GOOD PRODUCT-- GOOD PROCESS -- GOOD PLANET -- and serves as a role model for ethicalpractices. For more information, please visit

(1)Sundram K, Hornstra G, et al. Replacement of dietary fat with palm oil:effect on human serum lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins. Br. JNutrition 1992 Nov; 68 (3) 677-692. (2)Zhang J, Ping W, et al.Nonhypercholesterolemic effects of palm oil diet in Chinese adults. J.Nutrition. 1997 Mar; 127 (3):509S-513S