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Industry mourns passing of Palm Oil King
calendar26-09-2005 | linkThe Star | Share This Post:

24/09/2005 (The Star) - THE demise of Malaysian palm oil industry doyenTan Sri Borge Bek-Nielsen of United Plantations Bhd (UP) yesterday waswidely mourned and deeply regretted by many industry players.

Bek-Nielsen is best remembered as a man of great talent and equal energy,tempered by a great respect for his fellow members.

His son Carl, who is UP executive director (corporate affairs), said: "Myfather's unwillingness to compromise in his commitment to the higheststandards of excellence, fairness and ethics coupled with his fiercedetermination helped achieve his aim of establishing UP as the world'spremier integrated palm oil production and refining enterprise."

After UP, Bek-Nielsen founded Denmark-based United InternationalEnterprises Ltd (UIE) as his vehicle to maintain investment in the edibleoil sector.

Later, he planned and oversaw the acquisition of a controlling interest inAarhus Oliefabrik, one of the leading edible oil refiners in the world.

"He was a man of formidable reputation," Carl said, adding that this was acrucial factor in UP's status as an outstandingly well run plantationgroup but also as the standard bearer in sustainable agriculture andsocial responsibility. Carl said: "He could engage in negotiations withagronomists, engineers, financiers and government bureaucrats with equalease."

Bek-Nielsen, who had not been well since early last year, concluded thesmooth succession of power to Carl and younger son Martin by appointingthem UP executive directors in 2002/2003 as well as UIE chairman andvice-chairman respectively in 2004/2005.

He then retired as UIE chairman and was elected life president in June.

Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion council chief executive Datuk Haron Sirajsaid: "Tan Sri's demise is a great loss to the oil palm industry.

"He had always been a symbol of the industry's strength and resilienceespecially during the days of the negative campaign against the palm oilindustry in the 1980s, particularly with the anti-palm oil smear campaignby the American Soybean Association."

Haron said Bek-Nielsen would be well remembered by the Malaysian palm oilindustry for his pioneering and fighting spirit as well as for hiscompassion and kindness to his workers.

Golden Hope Plantations Bhd group chief executive Datuk Sabri Ahmad saidBek-Nielsen was a great man who spoke without fear for the local palm oilindustry.

"His contributions played a major role in shaping the current MalaysianPalm Oil Association (MPOA) as the prominent representative of the localpalm oil industry both in the domestic and international fronts."

Consolidated Plantations Bhd managing director Datuk Syed Tamin SyedMohamed described Bek-Nielsen as an "original" planter who had sheer gutsand spirit and was deeply committed to the development of the Malaysianpalm oil industry.

MPOA chief executive Azizi Meor Ngah said Bek-Nielsen had set a newstandard in worker and staff welfare and also, a high standard inprofessional estate management.

"His commitment and contribution to the industry are second to none. Hisdemise is a great loss to the palm oil industry," he said.