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Edible oil imports up 19%; slowdown in Sept
calendar17-10-2005 | linkBusiness Line | Share This Post:

16/10/05 Mumbai , (Business Lines) - IMPORTS of edible oil, mainly palmoil and soyabean oil, have provisionally been reported at 46,30,483 tonnesduring 11 months of the current oil season (November 2004/September 2005).The imports are up from 38,83,298 tonnes during the corresponding year-agoperiod, a rise of 19 per cent, according to the latest import datacompiled by the Solvent Extractors' Association of India (SEAI).

For September 2005, total imports were reported at 5,08,332 tonnes, downfrom 5,87,885 tonnes in September 2004.

For the 11-month period, overall import of refined oils was reported at4,36,823 tonnes, while that of crude oils was reported at 41,93,660tonnes.

Refined oils share in imports has decreased to 9 per cent from 18 percent, while that of crude oils has increased to 91 per cent from 82 percent , due to duty difference leading to value addition within thecountry, Mr B.V. Mehta, Executive Director of SEAI, said.

Palm oil products import touched 27,77,276 tonnes, while import of softoils, mainly soyabean oil increased to 18,53,207 tonnes from 8,01,220tonnes.

Soyabean oil import has increased by two-and-half times in the first 11months of the current oil year (November-2004-October 2005). Practicallyincremental import has gone to soyabean oil, while palm oil in terms ofquantity slid to 27,77,276 tonnes from 30,82,078 tonnes. However, crudeoil share has decreased from 79 per cent to 60 per cent, while share ofsoft oil went up from 21 per cent to 40 per cent.

Non-edible oil imports in September 2005 were reported at 50,398 tonnesfrom 21,259 tonnes in September 2004.

Total imports of non-edible oil during the review period were reported at3,70,774 tonnes from 2,00,706 tonnes, up by 85 per cent.

Oilmeal exports recover: During first six months of 2005-06, total exportsof oilmeal were reported at 12,91,308 tonnes, down marginally from13,10,961 tonnes during the same period last year.

In April and May 2005, exports were much lower as compared to last year,mainly due to lower crushing margin and production, according to SEArelease.

However, with improved crushing margin, production has been stepped upleading to revival of exports and also fresh demand from Taiwan, S. Koreaand Vietnam following SEA delegation's visit in August 2005, Mr Mehtasaid.

Exports of soyameal, rapeseed meal and groundnut meal have recovered inthe last 4 months. Castormeal exports jumped to over 1,25,000 tonnes fromjust 21,000 tonnes in first 6 months, thanks to demand from Taiwan and S.Korea - traditional buyers of castormeal.

In case of rice bran extraction, Vietnam alone has emerged as a big buyerand imported over 40,000 tonnes in first six months.