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Libya a step closer to exporting olive oil directly to Europe and the rest of the world
calendar28-06-2024 | linkLibya Herald | Share This Post:

27/06/2024 (Libya Herald) - Libya is a step closer to exporting olive oil directly to Europe and the rest of the world. The revelation was made by Libya’s Ambassador in Spain, Walid Abu Abdullah,‎ on his personal Facebook page last Tuesday 25 June.

The ambassador revealed that a Libyan specialized team has successfully completed the accreditation of the Libyan laboratory in the sensory field and passed the selections conducted by the International ‎‎Olive Council successfully. This would pave the way for Libya to export its olive oil directly to the advanced world.

The accreditation was received on the sidelines of the 119th session of the member states of the International Olive Oil Council (based in Madrid) which ended Tuesday 25 June in Madrid.

The Madrid event is the only actual competition sponsored by the International Olive Council of the United Nations, and Libya has been a member since its establishment, and participates in all its activities.‎

The ambassador anticipated that very soon the results of chemical tests by the team of experts of Libya’s Tripoli based Biotechnology Research Center will appear in the Madrid event, and if successful, Libya would achieve a distinctive national entitlement that allows competitions to be held in Libya, determine the quality of oil, arbitration, and most importantly, the ability to export oil directly and engage in the global system for olives and oil.