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Malaysian Palm Oil Board starts trial for biofertilizer
calendar02-04-2024 | linkNew Straits Times | Share This Post:

01/04/2024 (New Straits Times), Kuala Lumpur - The Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), in collaboration with IBG Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, has commenced the trial for its latest innovative solution, the iM-bioGuard biofertiliser.

MPOB said in a statement here today that infused with the potent bacteria Pseudomonas, this biocontrol fertiliser combats the fungal pathogen Ganoderma boninense, which is the cause of the Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease.

Also known as the "cancer" of oil palm, BSR is one of the most severe diseases afflicting oil palm estates in major producing countries, particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia, resulting in enormous economic losses of RM1.5 billion each year, it added.

The MPOB patented technology - iM-bioGuard is the first liquid type of biofertiliser that is designed to cater for easy absorption by the oil palms, making it possible to significantly reduce the damage caused by the Ganoderma disease.

During a recent visit to Machap Estate for its demonstration, Deputy Plantation and Commodities Minister Datuk Chan Foong Hin said the introduction of iM-bioGuard represented a significant milestone in theircollective efforts to mitigate the devastating effects of Ganoderma on the oil palm industry.

"I hope that by starting the first trial with United Malacca Bhd (UMB), it can help to increase crop resilience while promoting environmentally sustainable practices," said Chan.

On top of that, MPOB and IBG Manufacturing have signed a commercial agreement to introduce the technology to the industry, of which this collaborative endeavour signifies a united front in advancing sustainable practices and safeguarding the future of Malaysia's oil palm industry. – Bernama