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Remove duty-free CPO exports, urge refiners
calendar14-04-2001 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

Remove duty-free CPO exports, urge refiners13 April, 2001 (Business Times) - MALAYSIA's palm oil refiners haveoutlined several proposals to the Government to uplift the industry whichhas been facing an over-supply situation and low prices for the past twoyears.

The Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia (Poram) said among measuresthat should be taken include the removal of duty-free exports of crudepalm oil (CPO).

"The Government's move to al-low exports of certain tonnage of CPO lastyear and this year has adversely affected the refining sector," said Poramin its memo-randum to the Government.

Poram was participating in the International Trade and Industry Ministryannual industry dialogue in Kuala Lumpur.

"However, we have taken up this matter separately with the PrimaryIndustries Ministry," the association said.

Poram also expressed it's disappointment on Thailand's decision to excludeMalaysia from its Common Effective Preferential Tariff concessions on palmoil in view of Malaysia's decision to delay the entry of its automotivesector under the Asean Free Trade Area arrangement.

Poram, thus, is proposing that Malaysia is accorded the same level playingfield by Thailand on palm oil, vis-a-vis other Association of South-EastAsian Nations as soon as possible.

Poram also said the industry is subject to various discriminatory importduties by importing countries such as India, China and Pakistan.

Poram said more efforts have to be made to market palm oil to new marketsand to eliminate the discriminatory duties and other hindrances to thefree flow of trade.

Poram also said the provisions under the Codex Revised Recommended Code ofPractice for the Storage and Transport of Edible Oils and Fats in Bulk aresufficient and should take precedence over other rulings.

One such ruling is the general ruling on the dedication of transport bythe Codex Committee on food hygiene.