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Dr M's Russian trip is not to buy Sukhois
calendar11-09-2001 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

PM aims to renew ties after meeting Putin during APECDatuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad's trip to Russia this week is aimed atrenewing bilateral ties and not to finalise the purchase of fighterplanes.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Hamid Albar said the Prime Minister had nospecific agenda with the purchase of planes as the Government's plans onthe matter were still at discussion stage.

"He just wants to renew ties with Russia, after meeting President(Vladimir) Putin during the Apec Summit in Brunei," he told reportersafter handing over 20 Perodua Kancil to representatives of the Governmentsof Morocco, Oman and Sudan.

Dr Mahathir will visit Moscow from Wednesday (Sept 12) to Saturday (Sept15) and Germany from Sept 18 to 20.

Syed Hamid said Dr Mahathir planned to discuss regional and internationalissues with Putin during the visit.

Dr Mahathir will also seek his advice on the latest developments onaerospace technology.

On the Prime Ministers visit to Britain, Syed Hamid said he was scheduledto meet Malaysian students there at the High Commission besides meetingBritish Prime Minister Tony Blair.

In Germany, Dr Mahathir will officiate the opening of the new MalaysianEmbassy in Berlin.

Meanwhile, Bernama reports that Dr Mahathir will be accompanied by hiswife, Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Mohamed Ali, and a 60-member delegationconsisting of Cabinet Ministers, senior government officials and Malaysianbusinessmen.

On his visit to the Russian Federation at the invitation of GermanChancellor Gerhard Schroeder, the ministry said it was to further enhancepolitical, economic and trade cooperation.

"The visit will also enable the Prime Minister to obtain first-handimpressions of the new dynamics that prevail in Russia in the post-Sovietera," the statement said.

Dr Mahathir visited the regions of Khabarovsk and Buryatia in August 1999.

It said his programme includes visits to Russia's Bio-Tech Centre,Meteorological Centre and to witness the demonstration of SU30 jetfighters.

Dr Mahathir is also scheduled to address a Malaysia-Russia Business Forumjointly organised by the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli),the Russian-Asean Cooperation Fund and Matrade.

During the visit, both governments are expected to sign the Memorandum ofUnderstanding on Palm Oil Credit and Payment Arrangement while Bank Negaraand Vnescomnobank of Russia will sign the Agreement on Palm Oil PaymentArrangement.

Bilateral trade between Malaysia and Russia for 2000 was valued atUS$265.6 million.

The value of Malaysia's exports was US$74.5 million and imports fromRussia totalled US$191 million, the statement said.

It said total trade for the first quarter of 2001 stood at US$65.4 millionwith Malaysia's exports amounting to US$29.5 million and imports valued atUS$35.9 million.

On Dr Mahathir's trip to Germany, the statement said it is to provide theopportunity to showcase Malaysia's attraction for investors and touriststo come to Malaysia.

During his visit, the Prime Minister will also see first hand the latesttechnology used in the fields of biotechnology, information technology andtransport industry, the statement said.

The visit will also provide the possibility of greater collaboration andcooperation in the field of education with Germany and will be utilised tofurther enhance political, economic and trade cooperation between Malaysiaand Germany.

In Berlin, Dr Mahathir and Schroeder are expected to discuss bilateral,regional and international issues of mutual concern, the statement said.

It said Dr Mahathir would also receive a call by Joschka Fisher, GermanVice Chancellor and Foreign Minister and is scheduled to meet WolfgangThierse, President of the Bundestag at the German Parliament building.

On Dr Mahathir's trip to Germany, the statement said it is to provide theopportunity to showcase Malaysia's attraction for investors and touriststo come to Malaysia.

During his visit, the Prime Minister will also see first hand the latesttechnology used in the fields of biotechnology, information technology andtransport industry, the statement said.

The visit will also provide the possibility of greater collaboration andcooperation in the field of education with Germany and will be utilised tofurther enhance political, economic and trade cooperation between Malaysiaand Germany.

In Berlin, Dr Mahathir and Schroeder are expected to discuss bilateral,regional and international issues of mutual concern, the statement said.

It said Dr Mahathir would also receive a call by Joschka Fisher, GermanVice Chancellor and Foreign Minister and is scheduled to meet WolfgangThierse, President of the Bundestag at the German Parliament building.

In Munich, Dr Mahathir will address a business forum and scheduled tovisit the Bio-Tech Centre, Siemens and to meet Malaysian students andcommunity.

Malaysia's bilateral trade with Germany for the period between January andJune 2001 stood at US$2.45 billion. Germany is Malaysia's largest tradingpartner in Europe for the year 2000 and a major source of the ForeignDirect Investment to Malaysia, the statement added.

10 September 2001Business Times