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Palm oil, latex prices take a dive after Sept 11 a
calendar12-10-2001 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

11 October 2001 ( Business Times) - The prices of palm oil and latex hasdropped since the Sept 11 attacks on America, causing further hardship tosmallholders.

The price of palm oil has dropped from RM1,200 to RM920, while the priceof latex is now RM1.86 per kilogramme, compared with RM2.16 previously.

Risda director-general Baharudin Awang said the Government has allocatedabout RM28 million to Risda to be distributed to 19,000 rubbersmallholders. Each will receive about RM100 per month.

"Those who solely rely on rubber plantations for a living will be gettingbetween RM600 to RM1,500 this year," he said.

He said the aid recipents were those earning around RM230 a month fromtheir holdings of not more than two hectares.

"Besides this, the Government is also giving subsidies to smallholders tobuy the Low-Intensity Tapping System where RM1,000 is given for eachhectare for fertiliser and equipment, he said.

The allocation has been distributed to the state Risda offices forredistribution.

Baharudin was speaking after a ceremony to hand over aid to rubbersmallholders in Pahang. Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob attended thecermony. Also present were Risda chairman Datuk Abu Zahar Ujang, Stateexecutive Councillors and State Assemblymen.

Some 3,200 rubber smallholders from Pahang will be receiving aid amountingto RM4.6 million.

In a related development, Baharudin said Risda has allocated RM40.19million for replanting activities in Pahang, this year.