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Sutrajaya to up palm oil shipments
calendar06-03-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

6 March, 2002 (Business Times) - SUTRAJAYA Shipping Sdn Bhd, a member ofthe Felda Group of Companies, aims to significantly increase the shipmentof palm oil for other palm oil producers in Malaysia.

Last year, the company shipped a total of 1.77 million tonnes of palm oil,of which 87 per cent was for Felda.

Its executive director and chief executive officer Nasaruddin Abd Ghanisaid though Felda is the world's largest single producer and exporter ofpalm oil, its production accounts for only 25 per cent of palm oil fromMalaysia.

He said the company is looking at increasing its shipment of palm oil totwo million tonnes this year due to the much anticipated increase in thedemand for palm oil.

"China, for example, is looking at increasing its imports of palm oil to2.4 million tonnes this year from 1.2 million tonnes in 2001," he said ata Press conference after his company was presented the ISO 9001:2000 Awardin Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

Sutrajaya, which began operating in June 1999 with spot charter vessels toship Felda's cargoes, is the first shipping company in Malaysia to receivethe ISO 9001:2000 certification.

According to Felda chairman Datuk Dr Mohd Yusof Noor, Felda is also eyeingopportunities in North Africa to further diversify its source of earnings.

Nasaruddin also said Sutrajaya had chartered out its own vessels to majorowners and charterers involved in the chemical trade to take advantage offirm time-charter freight rates.

Despite the stringent requirements on the type and conditions of vesselsin the chemical trade, Sutrajaya has successfully obtained the approval ofmost oil majors such as Petronas, Exxon-Mobil, Shell and BP.

"The experience gained in this field is expected to provide the companymore exposure and business opportunities," he said.

Currently, Sutrajaya operates a total of 13 vessels, comprising three ownvessels and 10 time-charter vessels.