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Quota delay has suspended sunflower, other oil imp
calendar11-06-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

(Correction on figures - 1,50,000 tonnes, 3,00,000 tonnes & 6,00,000tonnes should read as 150,000 tonnes, 300,000 tonnes & 600,000 tonnes)

5/29/2002 (Asia Intelligence Wire) - The Indian vegetable oil processors'associations and edible oil importers have urged the Government of Indiato release the tariff rate quota (TRQ) for importing soft oils, such assunflower oil, safflower oil and rapeseed oil, immediately. The delay inissuing TRQ has resulted in import of only de-gummed soybean oil and crudepalm oil. They have also urged the Government to scrap the condition thatimports should take place only through government agencies. In Nov 2001,the Government had permitted import of 1,50,000 tonnes of soft oils underTRQ at 50 percent duty through government undertakings. The TRQ, which wasvalid till 31 Mar 2002, was not utilised because the guidelines wereannounced only in Jan 2002 and also due to serious operationaldifficulties in dealing with the state agencies. Refined sunflower oilproduction in India is around 3,00,000 tonnes against consumption of about6,00,000 tonnes of it.Several trade associations have urged the Government to rationalise theduty structure on import of edible oils so that consumers in India canchoose the oil they prefer and also provide the refiners a variety of rawcommodities to cater to market needs. The low World Trade Organisation(WTO) bound duty of 45 percent ad valorem on soybean oil is also affectingthe interests of the soybean sector in India.