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Lim leads palm oil mission to China
calendar09-07-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

06 July 2002 -PRIMARY Industries Minister Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik willlead a 10-day palm oil economic and investment mission to China startingtomorrow.

The mission is part of the ministry’s continuous effort in findingpotential investors from China for the palm oil downstream industry, itsaid in a statement released in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

It is geared towards the promotion of trade and investment in sectors suchas oleochemicals and palm oil biomass products such as pulp and paper.

The mission will strengthen relations and contacts with relevantministries, agencies and trade and other related organisations.

Dr Lim will be accompanied by officials from the Malaysian Palm Oil Boardand the Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council.

The group will also enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of palm oildownstream products and discuss issues and problems on palm oil trade andinvestment.Business opportunities will be explored through joint venturesand strategic alliances with private companies.

Dr Lim is expected to visit Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou wherediscussions with relevant agencies, investors as well as traders,manufacturers and distributors will be held.

The minister will also launch a forum on investment opportunities inMalaysia’s palm oil industries in Shanghai and Guangzhou.

China was Malaysia’s third biggest palm oil buyer last year at 1.28million tonnes worth about RM1.23 billion.

(The informations and opinions expressed in this article represent theviews of the author only. They should not be seen as necessarilyreflecting the views of Palm News)