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National Biodiesel Board unveils new website
calendar12-08-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

8/8/2002, JEFFERSON CITY, The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) has unveiledits new Web site at , offering the mostcomprehensive biodiesel information found anywhere in the world. NBB hasredesigned the site to allow for easier navigation on many aspects ofbiodiesel, including technical information, fuel suppliers, retail fuelinglocations, market applications and the latest industry news. The site alsocontains the largest database of biodiesel reports and studies foundanywhere on the Web.Biodiesel is an American fuel made from renewable fats or oils, such assoybean oil. It works in any diesel engine with few or no modifications.Biodiesel and biodiesel blends have been proven successful in more than 60million road miles, and more than 200 major fleets nationwide currentlyuse the fuel commercially.ìThis Web site is a very useful tool for anyone wanting to learn moreabout biodiesel,î said Joe Jobe, NBB executive director. ìThis is aone-stop shop for objective information about the fuel, whether you are afarmer, reporter, researcher, potential user or just someone interested inalternative fuels.îBased in Jefferson City, Mo., the National Biodiesel Board is a nonprofittrade association dedicated to coordinating all aspects of the biodieselindustry including research, market development and regulatory activity.NBB is an objective source of technical information and is dedicated toeducating the public about the many benefits of the fuel. Founded in 1992,NBB is celebrating its tenth year in operation. The board of directorsconsists mostly of biodiesel fuel suppliers and feedstock representatives.The Web site was created by the new Information-Technology (IT) divisionof NBB. The company formerly known as Information Now Technologies wasacquired by NBB in an effort to better serve its own Web needs whileoffering Web services to NBB members. Professional Web design and hosting,as well as a full range of information technology services are alsoavailable to the public. ìWe have a very talented Web designer on staffwho can help any organization or company anywhere in the nation take theirWeb site or other electronic informational resources to a higher level,îJobe said.Changes to the Web site, which is funded by the South DakotaSoybean Council through the soybean checkoff fund, were presented to NBBvoting directors at a board meeting in Washington DC in July. During themonth of July, the total number of hits on the site rose from one millionhits worldwide to more than two million.ìWe receive numerous comments from all over the world about theeffectiveness of our site as a comprehensive information resource forbiodiesel,î Jobe said.To see some samples of Web site work done by NBB IT, visit Readers can learn more about biodiesel by visiting The National Biodiesel Board is funded in partby the United Soybean Board and state soybean board checkoff programs.

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