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SOYBEANS and OIL - Strong World Import Demand
calendar27-08-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

23 August, 2002 (OIL WORLD) - World import demand for soybeans picked upin July. Combined soybean exports of the USA, Argentina and Brazilincreased to an estimated 4.58 Mn T during the month, which is up by 0.5Mn T from June 2002 and by 0.4 Mn T from July 2001. The biggest boost wasregistered in US soybean exports to 1.48 Mn T. An analysis of the soybeanexports of the USA, Argentina and Brazil for July shows that a combined1.42 Mn T were shipped to the EU-15 (against 1.22 a year ago). Exports toMexico amounted to 0.40 Mn T (against 0.38), to China 1.24 (1.45), Japan0.38 (0.30), Taiwan 0.32 (0.16), Thailand 0.14 (0.14), Indonesia 0.15(0.13) and Turkey 0.10 (0.03). Cumulative exports in Sept/July reached arecord 45.5 Mn T. Soybean crushings of the USA, Argentina and Brazilincreased sizeably by 0.3 Mn T from last year in July, by 0.8 Mn T in Juneand by 0.5 Mn T in May. An analysis of the soybean crushings and netexports of the 3 major countries is given in the Statistics Update on theblue page 2 - 47. One of the results is a steep increase in the G-3soybean disposals by 0.8 Mn T from last year in July and by 7.1 Mn T inSept/July. World demand for soybean oil is increasing sharply. Productioncannot keep up with demand and this is resulting in a decline in stocksbelow the yearago level in the exporting countries (the USA and Brazil)but also in most importing countries. The bullish fundamentals arereflected in strengthening premiums in South America and the USA. Thesteep increase in world import requirements boosted soya oil exports ofthe USA, Argentina and Brazil to a record 5.36 Mn T in Oct/July 2001/02.This is up by 1.14 Mn T from one and by even 1.60 Mn T from two yearsearlier. Combined US and South American soya oil stocks declined to anestimated 1.74 Mn T as of end-July, down from 1.83 Mn T a year ago. Thethree countries boosted soya oil exports to a record 0.74 Mn T in June(against 0.56 a year ago) and also July exports were unusually high at0.68 Mn T (0.55). A closer analysis of the recipients shows a steepincrease to an estimated 152 Thd T to China & Hong Kong in the month ofJuly (against 17 a year ago) The largest recipient was India at 224 Thd Tin July (against 248 a year ago). Higher exports were also noted tocountries in Central and South America, North Africa and several otherAsian countries.