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M'sia To Be A Major Producer Of Pulp And Paper Usi
calendar24-09-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

PUTRAJAYA, Sept 23 (Bernama) -- Malaysia will become a major producer ofpulp and paper, as well as a major exporter of technology and expertise inthe pulping of the oil palm fibres, Minister of Primary Industries, DatukDr Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik said."This will surely add to the income generated by the oil-palm industry andat the same time, reduce Malaysia's import on pulp and paper," he said inhis address at the official opening of the Pulp and Paper Seminar 2002here Monday.

The two-day seminar themed "Bridging the Gap between R&D Findings andIndustrial Demands, was organised by the Forest Research InstituteMalaysia (FRIM).

Dr Lim said the seminar was timely since it was held just after his visitto Fujian Province in Southern China two weeks ago to witness thedemonstration on the commercial manufacture of pulp and paper using oilpalm empty fruit bunches (EFB) fibre.

"The commercial trial was successfully carried out, whereby unbleachedchemical pulp was produced and the industrial grade paper was made.

The technical feasibility of producing pulp and paper from this new fibrematerial is high and the economic aspects are now being assessed," hesaid.

Dr Lim said that the pulp and paper industry in Malaysia was a strategicindustry that had the government's attention and support.

"Producing pulp from wood and non-wood materials and making paper frompulp is considered as a very profitable business venture and is certainlytrue when there is a strong demand for paper and paperboard.

Dr Lim said the Asia Pacific region was forecasted to become the mostimportant consumer of paper products by the year 2013. -- BERNAMA