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Malaysia To Boost Palm Oil Exports To West Asia
calendar29-10-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

DUBAI, Oct 29 (Bernama) -- Minister of Primary Industries Datuk Seri DrLim Keng Yaik on Monday ended a four-nation tour aimed at boosting exportof Malaysian palm oil to West Asian countries.Speaking in Dubai, Dr Lim said the purpose of his visit to the region wasto "confer with essential players in the palm oil market and explorefurther business opportunities" with the countries in the region.He said Malaysia considered the United Arab Emirates (UAE) an importantmarket due to its position as a major regional re-export centre.He told a business seminar on Monday that Malaysia could supply localcompanies with the "necessary palm oil to convert it into finished goodsdestined for markets in the region" as part of strategic trade alliances.Dr Lim said there has been a 16-fold increase in Malaysian palm oilexports to the UAE over the last decade."From less than 12,000 tonnes in the early 1990s, Malaysia exported180,000 tonnes of palm oil to the UAE last year," he said.In his talks with the UAE Minister of Economy and Commerce Sheikh Fahim AlQasimi in Abu Dhabi on Sunday Dr Lim also discussed ways to increasebilateral trade.Dr Lim praised the liberal UAE business policies, saying they have helpedMalaysian products in reaching local markets.The Malaysian minister earlier visited Morocco, Egypt and Jordan as partof the regional tour that began on October 13."Although the aim of my trip was to promote the export of palm oil,companies in Egypt, Jordan and Morocco also showed interest in importingcommodities like timber and rubber," Dr Lim told Bernama.Malaysia is considering a series of programmes in West Asia to increaseconsumer and industrial awareness of palm oil usage, said Datuk HaronSiraj, chief executive officer of the Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Boardand a member of Dr Lim's high-level economic and technical mission.Haron said such awareness campaigns would include seminars and cookingdemonstrations, "highlighting health benefits and nutritional attributesof palm oil."