Indonesian palm oil industry continuously adding c
Indonesian palm oil industry continuously adding c
(Chemical Business NewsBase) 11/18/2002 - Industry representativesestimate Indonesia is adding 10-20 new palm oil plants of 30-60 tonnes/hcapacity each year. Over a half of output is being exported. Palm oilproduction rose from 5 M tonnes in 1998 to 8.3 M tonnes in 2001. 9 Mtonnes is expected in 2002 and 9.2 M tonnes in 2003. Driven by the highprice on world markets and export duty of 1-3%, exports are growing fasterthan production. Exports rose from 1.5 M tonnes in 1998 to 4.9 M tonnes in2001. 5.5 M tonnes is expected in 2002 and 5.7 M tonnes in 2003. The maincustomer is India, followed by the EU and China.