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New crude palm oil terminal to be built at Indones
calendar28-01-2003 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

SURABAYA, E Java, Jan 23 Asia Pulse - The construction of a CPO terminalin Bumiharjo, Kumai, Central Kalimantan, will be started soon followingthe signing of a cooperation agreement between PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IIIwhich operates the Kumai port, and PT Tapian Nadenggan and PT GunungSejahtera Pertiwi as investors.President of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III Bambang Darwoto said in Surabayaon Wednesday the two companies will be using their port management rightfor 20 years for CPO cargo handling.He said Central Kalimantan is known as a major CPO producer in Indonesia,but the distribution of the product still faced many problems in view ofthe lack of terminals and port piers.Therefore PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III along with ther investors will bedeveloping the existing facilities in Kumai district to supoort thedistribution of crude palm oil.Previously, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III has already cleared some 60hectares of land, including 12 hectares ready for crude palm oil cargohandling.The CPO which will be distributed through the Kumai port amounted to650,000 tons, and by 2005 the CPO production in the area will increasesubstantially since the existing oilpalm estates in the area now reaching125,000 ha will continue to expand, because Kota Waringin Barat alone has722,000 hectares of oilpalm trees.Meanwhile Bambang Darwoto also hoped the profit of PT Pelabuhan IndonesiaIII will increase to Rp 420 billion compared to 2001.Most of the company's gain came from the port and business units inSurabaya and Semarang. Tanjung Perak and Tanjung Emas ports and theircontainer terminals contributed some 80 percent of the company's income.