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Health experts warn against use of unbranded ghee
calendar16-05-2003 | linkBusiness Recorder - | Share This Post:

LAHORE (May 14 2003) : Health experts have warned the people to abstainfrom using unbranded ghee and cooking oils that were spreading variousdiseases, including cardiovascular problems, indigestion, liver disorder,cholesterol, and renal problems.

The experts, while talking to Business Recorder with reference to illeffects of unbranded cheap ghee and cooking oils on public health,explained that Pakistanis in generally were burning fewer calories againstwhat they were consuming.

"Our consumption habits have become erratic and unhealthy, which is arecipe for ill health. This is one of the reasons why heart patients inPakistan are growing by the day", they said.

Renowned dietician, Dr Shehla Javed stated that use of unbranded ghee andcooking oil is posing serious health problems for people, who are notaware of ill effects of the same.

As a matter of fact, there was no proper mechanism to check manufacturingor sale of unbranded ghee or cooking oils.

Open sale of ghee and cooking oils of different brands is indeed a matterof grave concern that should be looked into by authorities concerned, shepointed out.

Another expert, Professor Humayun Maqsood said that besides checking thesale and manufacturing of low standard ghee and cooking oils, we need makepublic health conscious.

There is no system to ensure quality control like the developed countriesof West. Unless such checks and balances could be established andimplemented in Pakistan, public should be made aware of the effects, whichthe unbranded ghee and cooking oils are making on their health.

The concept of healthy diet has never been projected in Pakistan andmajority of the Pakistani population is not even aware of concept of basichygiene, he concluded.