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Indonesian government offers tender for Russian pa
calendar08-08-2003 | linkAsia Pulse | Share This Post:

JAKARTA, Aug 5 Asia Pulse- Three Indonesian plantation companies haveoffered crude palm oil (CPO) and RBD palm oil to Bulog, the state logisticagency, for a counter trade deal between Indonesia and Russia.

"We invited 30 companies in the country, but only three companiessubmitted their offer by the deadline," head of the Bulog's Counter TradeBusiness Unit, Johan Santosa, said on Monday.

The three are PT Aida Kencana Malik, PT Kurnia Praya Sukses, and PTMultimas Nabati Asahan.

PT Multimas Nabati Asahan has offered 10,000 tons of CPO with the lowestprice standing at US$360 per ton for August shipping.

RBD palm oil was offered at US$412.5 per ton, with 13,000 tons of theproduct to be shipped from August 7 to 30 from Belawan/Dumai port.

PT Kurnia Raya Sukses offered 20,000 tons of RBD palm oil at US$457 perton and shipped before August 30. It has also offered 5,000 tons of CPO atUS$424 per ton, shipped before August 30.

PT Aida Kencana Malik offered 20,000 tons of RBD palm oil at US$455 perton, shipped before August 30, and 5,000 tons of CPO at US$422 per ton,shipped on August 30.

Bulog opened the tender last Thursday, but it was cancelled because theagency only received one bidder.

The agency has yet to decide the winner, because it has to evaluateseveral factors such as delivery, price, export performance, and supply.

"The winner for the tender will be announced on Tuesday," Johan said.

According to Johan, none of the three companies have fulfilled all eightrequirements set by Bulog for the tender.

The three companies did not enclose income tax documents and exportperformance figures.

However, they can complete the requirement by August 5, Johan said.

The winner (of the tender), he added, would have to get approval fromRussia to assure that it could meet CPO supply during the contract period.

Bulog has planned to hold another tender for CPO on September for year-endshipping.