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Don't Hoard Palm Oil-Based Cooking Oil, Cautions M
calendar18-11-2003 | linkBernama | Share This Post:

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 17 (Bernama) -- The Government will take stern actionagainst manufacturers and suppliers of palm oil-based cooking oil if theyfail to supply the controlled item to retailers.

The warning comes in the wake of the festive season from Domestic Tradeand Consumer Affairs Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who says he isirked by the fact that some traders were withholding supplies.

"If Malaysia is not producing enough palm oil-based cooking oil somethingis wrong somewhere. We are disappointed that producers and suppliers arenot fulfilling their responsibility," he said after visiting Carrefour andJusco hypermarkets at the Mid-Valley Mega Mall here Monday.

Muhyiddin said Carrefour, for instance, failed to receive 50 per cent ofits 1kg palm oil-based cooking oil stocks, even after placing the orderssome two weeks ago.

This was not due to any shortage of the item but because traders werereluctant to supply at the current market price and had instead urged theGovernment to increase the price, he said.

"Obviously if you go to the factory or manufacturing premises I believethere are tonnes of stocks there but they refuse to deliver because theythink they will face losses. This is my gut feeling," said Muhyiddin.

"This is a controlled item and placed under the Supplies Act 1961 and theparties must deliver the amounts required by the consumer. Action will betaken if they hoard controlled items," he said.

Cooking oil comes under the Price Control Act 1946 and the SuppliesControl Act 1961.