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Palmis: Malaysia June Palm Oil Output At 1.17M MT
calendar06-07-2004 | linkDJ | Share This Post:

-- Palmis: Malaysia June Palm Oil Exports At 925,000 MT - Trade-- Palmis: Malaysia End-June Palm Oil Stocks At 1.2M MT - Trade

Kuala Lumpur, July 5 (Dow Jones) - Private surveyor Palmis ManagementBhd. Monday estimated Malaysia's June crude palm oil output around 1.17million metric tons, up 6.4% from the 1.10 million tons produced in May,traders familiar with the latest Palmis report said.According to traders who obtained the data, Palmis estimated June palmoil exports at 925,000 tons, down from 950,790 tons in May.Palmis pegged end-June stocks at 1.20 million tons, up from 1.04million tons at end-May.Palmis is the only private palm oil crop forecaster in Malaysia, andits production, export and stock forecasts are closely watched by themarket.Traders said the figures were little changed from Palmis' previousestimates issued two weeks earlier.Then, Palmis had also estimated end-June stocks at 1.20 million tons.The estimated drop in exports in June was not surprising, as cargosurveyors Intertek Testing Services and SGS (Malaysia) Bhd had alsorecently issued disappointing figures for June.However, traders said Palmis' outlook for the coming months was acause for concern.Palmis forecast further growth in palm oil stocks to as high as 1.55million tons by end-September, traders said."This doesn't look good for the forward months. Overall, (the report)is slightly bearish," a trader said.The report had a slightly negative impact on palm oil prices.At 0721 GMT, the benchmark September CPO contract on the BursaMalaysia Derivatives was at 1,497 ringgit ($1=MYR3.8) a ton, down MYR17from Friday.However, volumes on the BMD were below average, as holidays Monday inIndonesia and the U.S. sapped trading interest.