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Vitamin E did not reduce the risk of heart attack
calendar06-08-2004 | | Share This Post:

8/5/2004 - Rachel Eidelman and colleagues from the Agatston ResearchInstitute, Miami Beach, Florida, US, reviewed the literature and foundthat, in the studies covered by the review, vitamin E did not reduce therisk of heart attack or stroke.

It is commonly believed that vitamin E could reduce the risk ofcardiovascular disease since basic research has produced evidence of itsinhibition of the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterolin plasma.Ý To verify whether this association had any actual clinicalbenefits the Florida team searched the literature from 1990 and foundseven large scale randomised trials of the effectiveness of vitamin E inthe treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease.Ý The team reviewedthe results of these trials both individually and as a meta analysis ofall the trials.Ý Some of the individual trials analysed the risk toapparently healthy individuals, while others focused on smokers, otherhigh risk groups, or subjects who had a history of cardiovasculardisease.Ý The collective number of subjects that took part in the studieswas 106,615.

Results of the analysis found that consumption of vitamin E supplementshad no significant benefit or harm regarding cardiovascular disease.ÝHowever, although there is no direct harm from consuming vitamin Esupplements the authors are concerned that use of unprovenover-the-counter agents such as vitamin E, may lead to under use of agentswith proven benefits such as aspirin, statins, beta-blockers, andangiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.Ý Also suchover-the-counter products may be taken as an alternative to a healthylifestyle.Ý (From Archives of Internal Medicine Vol. 164 (14), 2004).

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