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Palm Oil plantation in NegOcc not viable
calendar09-10-2004 | linkSun Star - Phillippi | Share This Post:

Thursday, October 07, 2004 - GEOGRAPHICALLY and topographically, the palmoil industry will not be viable in Negros Occidental, said businessmanEnrique Montilla.

Montilla, who has a vast plantation of palm oil in Mindanao, said thatpalm oil is not suited for the province as it is often visited by typhoon.

Earlier, Roberto Montelibano, chairman of the Metro Bacolod Chamber ofCommerce and Industry, disclosed that aside from sugar, their group iseyeing to venture into palm oil industry as an alternative industry.

Montelibano said they are now looking for possible foreign investors toput up investment on this.

The chamber is eying the areas of Cauayan, Sipalay City and Hinobaan, allin southern Negros as pilot areas of the proposed palm oil plantation.

Montilla, however, said palm oil is a shallow-rooted plant that needs alot of rainfall almost everyday.

It must also be planted in an area protected by hills or mountains.

"As far as topographical study is concerned, only the Mindanao area in thecountry is considered the best hub for palm oil trees," stressed Montilla.

Negros Occidental is one access place of typhoon in the country. Palm oilhas two common varieties.

The old one is the African variety that grows for more than 30 years whilethe other is the Papua New Guinea variety.

Palm oil industry is the booming industry in Malaysia and Indonesia.

He admitted that this is a dollar earner industry but he lamented over thefact that palm oil planters in Mindanao lack government support.

Montilla has about 5,000 hectares of palm oil trees in Tacurong, Isulan,Sultan Kudarat Province.

Planters or growers of palm oil trees must also wait for four years beforethe trees become productive.

"This is a business venture that doesn't need only capital but patience aswell," said Montilla.

Palm oil tree is also a hermaphrodite. Its sex varies depending on time,environment and pollination process.

This year, all trees may become male and unproductive but next year, thetrees will become female and will bear fruits.

Palm fruits have kernell that could produce premium oil to be manufacturedinto cooking oil.

Its seed has an additive particle that can also be extracted as binder forshampoo and toothpaste.

The seed's husk is also being grinded and used as a feed supplement forcattle animals.

The bark skin of the tree is also used in waving "kalakat" or "amakan"used in building a house.

"Kalakat waving" is one of the famous cottage industries in Mindanao, saidMontilla.