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Farmers oppose expansion of palm oil plantations i
calendar23-11-2004 | linkAsia Pulse | Share This Post:

11/10/2004 (Asia Pulse) KORONADAL CITY - A militant farmers group hereexpressed opposition to the planned expansion of palm oil plantations inSouth Cotabato, noting such endeavor would result to "massive land andcrop conversions in the area."

Eliezer Billanes, secretary general of the Samahan ng Magsasaka ng TimogKutabato (SAMATIKU), raised fears the palm oil production in the provincewould pave the way for "landlords to evade the implementation of theagrarian reform program."

Earlier, agriculture officials in South Cotabato backed the expansionprojects initiated by Kenram Philippines over several towns in theprovince for the planting of palm oil.

Rey Legaste, provincial agriculture officer, said all the areas in SouthCotabato, except Lake Sebu town, are suitable for cultivating palm oilplantations.

Billanes said that if palm oil plantations would massively be planted inthe province, food security in the area would be put in danger.

"There will be additional and massive land and crop conversions in theprovince. Our agricultural lands suitable for staple food production likepalay and corn will be planted with palm oil," he said.

Billanes said the palm oil expansion would damage the province'sagricultural sector and further increase the farmers, economic woes.

Moreover, the conversion of various food crop plantations into palm oilfarms could be a way for landlords to avoid the implementation of theagrarian reform program.

Billanes noted that in such situation, there would be massive ejection offarm tenants.

Kenram Philippines has been enticing farmers in South Cotabato to plantpalm oil, with farmers in Tantangan town expressing willingness to raisethe product.

Harold Suan, said he and other farmers in Tantangan last month attended ameeting in Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat, where Kenram is based, in a bidto earn more income by planting palm oil.

Presently, at least 5,000 hectares of land are planted with palm oil(Elaeis guineensis) by Kenram Phils in Sultan Kudarat province.

Danilo Buenbrazo, Department of Trade and Industry-12 senior industryspecialist, said that a hectare of palm oil could give farmers at leastP45,000 income (US$799) on the first harvest.

The optimism on palm oil comes in the heels of the industry players,pronouncement that they are eyeing the development of another 4,000hectares of land in Central Mindanao within the next 12 months for suchcrop.