Palm Oil Stakeholders Need To Navigate Market Dynamics To Ensure Continued Growth
CPO futures close lower amid concerns over B40 biodiesel implementation
CPO market to trade in yo-yo mode next week amid holiday, production concerns
MSPO 2.0: Experts see stronger global position for Malaysian palm oil
Indon output to match Malaysia’s in four years
24/09/05 (The Star) - INDONESIAN palm oil output will likely match thatof Malaysia in three to four years, Indonesian Palm Oil ProducersAssociation (GAPKI) chairman Derom Bangun said.
Industry mourns passing of Palm Oil King
24/09/2005 (The Star) - THE demise of Malaysian palm oil industry doyenTan Sri Borge Bek-Nielsen of United Plantations Bhd (UP) yesterday waswidely mourned and deeply regretted by many industry players.
IVP arm forays into trading of palm oil
24/09/05 (India Infoline.com) - IVP Ltd. said on Saturday that the Boardof Directors of IVP Felda Palm International Pvt Ltd at its first meetingheld on September 16, decided to commence import and trading operations.The IVP Felda Palm International was incorporated on July 1.
Jaya Tiasa Eyes Oil Palm As Future Contributor And
2/09/05 SIBU, (Bernama) -- Fully integrated timber producer Jaya TiasaHoldings Berhad is eyeing oil palm as its future income contributor andstrategic growth area.
Loggers degrade Panti sanctuary
25/09/05 KOTA TINGGI, (NSPT - A world-renowned paradise for bird watchersat the foothills of Gunung Panti here is being devastated by loggersclearing the forest to plant oil palm.The area is within a designated permanent forest reserve. However, theloggers hired by two companies have been wantonly cutting trees forseveral months now.
Malaysia's Danish "palm oil king" Bek-Nielsen dies
24/09/05 KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Malaysia's "palm oil king", Danishentrepreneur Borge Bek-Nielsen, has died at the age of 79 after spending alifetime nurturing one of Malaysia's key industries, relatives said.
One in Ten Supermarket Products Linked to Orang-ut
23 /09/05 (FEA) - UK company demand for palm oil, a vegetable oil found inone in ten products on supermarket shelves, is driving the orang-utantowards extinction, new research reveals. The `Oil for Ape Scandal',published today by Friends of the Earth and the world's leading orang-utanconservation groups, concludes that without urgent intervention the palmoil trade could cause the extinction of Asia's only great ape within 12years [1].
Palm oil demand driving orangutans to extinction:
25/09/05 KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Demand for palm oil, which is widely used inprocessed foods, is driving the orangutan towards extinction by speedingthe destruction of their forest habitat, Friends of the Earth said.
Popularity of palm oil threatens orangutans
Scientists fear the great apes' habitat could be gone by 2010 as Asianforests are cleared to grow the product.