Palm Oil Stakeholders Need To Navigate Market Dynamics To Ensure Continued Growth
CPO futures close lower amid concerns over B40 biodiesel implementation
CPO market to trade in yo-yo mode next week amid holiday, production concerns
MSPO 2.0: Experts see stronger global position for Malaysian palm oil
Four edible oil refineries being set up to cut imp
12/10/05 (Daily Times) - KARACHI: Some four edible oil refineries arelikely to start operations early next year, which would help to reduce thecountry’s edible oil import bill significantly.
Investor interest turns to Hovid
12/10/05 (The Star) - THE shares of parent company Hovid caught theinterest of investors yesterday, after having lagged the 90% surge in theshare price of its subsidiary, Carotech.
MALAYSIA PRESS: Golden Hope Gets Biofuel Project C
9/10/05 KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Malaysia's Golden Hope Plantations Bhd.has won a government contract to build one of the country's three biofuelplants, the daily New Straits Times reports. Contracts for the threeplants are worth a total MYR120 million.
Malaysia to increase bio-fuel use
Malaysia To Require Use Of Biodiesel
10/10/2005 (Financial Times UK) - Malaysia may become the first Asiancountry to require the replacement of diesel fuel with biofuel forvehicles and machinery, in an effort to cut costly fuel subsidies andboost the local palm oil industry.
No buyers for Indonesian palm oil amid uncertainty
12/10/05 JAKARTA (AFP): Stockpiles of Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO) arebuilding up with buyers holding back purchases pending a new directive onexport tariffs, an industry executive said Wednesday.
No Evidence Of Threat To Wildlife Caused By Oil Pa
12/10/05 KUALA LUMPUR, (Bernama) -- There is no evidence of a threat towildlife caused by oil palm plantations, three palm oil-basedorganisations reiterated, Wednesday.
Palm oil industry said destroying indigenous land
12/10/05 (Sabah Daily Express) - Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia's lucrativepalm oil industry and unabated logging are destroying native lands ineastern Sarawak state, while indigenous people are left in extremepoverty, an environment group said Tuesday.
Palm oil plantation gets support from Malaysia
11/10/05 (Mindanao News) - THE Mindanao Economic Development Council(MEDCO) has started consultations with local chief executives on theMalaysian-backed development of palm oil areas in Mindanao.