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USM Introduces Engine That Runs On Vegetable Oil
calendar01-09-2005 | linkBernama | Share This Post:

30/08/05 PENANG, (Bernama) -- Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) hasintroduced an engine that runs on vegetable oil.

Invented by USM's Centre for Education and Training in Renewable Energyand Energy Efficiency (Cetree), the engine can function smoothly andproduces a low level of smoke emission.

The environment-friendly engine, aptly named the "Cetree Engine", runs onpalm oil and functioned well when fitted in a van in 2002.

Cetree's Deputy Director Dr Abdul Malik Abdul Rahman said the Cetreeengine uses "Elsbett" technology, replacing diesel engines in diesel-runvehicles.

"It is not improbable that one day people here will use vehicles run onvegetable oil as a long-term alternative to decrease reliance upon fossilfuels following the rise in oil prices." he told Bernama here Tuesday.

He said that through the Pusat Pemeriksaan Kenderaan Berkomputer Sdn Bhd(Puskacom) it has been proven that when palm oil is used as a fuel forvehicles, it emits 50 per cent less smoke than a diesel engine.

Abdul Malik said tests done by the Penang Department of Environment (DOE)in 2002 had shown that the smoke emitted was safe, cleaner, unpolluted andfragrant.

He said Cetree has modified a van engine by using a kit supplied by aGerman company, the main components being a filter, heater, temperatureregulator, and others.

According to Abdul Malik, the van was also solar-powered, which allowedfor a self-sustaining system.

"The electrical equipment in the van such as a laptop, video screen, watercooler and coffee maker, among others, all ran on the solar energy," hesaid.

Abdul Malik said that the overall cost of the engine and equipment in thevan was in the region of RM150,000.

Cetree is in the process of expanding the usage of this engine to includetractors, buses, boats, lorries and cars, he said.