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Consider Palm Oil Biofuel As An Alternative In Rur
calendar19-09-2005 | linkBernama | Share This Post:

17/09/05 MIRI, (Bernama) -- Palm oil biofuel should be considered as analternative to fossil fuels to help alleviate hardships faced by ruralpeople, especially in the remote areas of Sarawak in the face of everincreasing price of petrol and diesel, Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul TaibMahmud said Saturday.

He said commercially manufactured biofuel could be more cost effective tooperate generators to supply electricity in rural areas such as Bario,Ba'kelalan and Kapit in the wake of the global fuel price hikes.

"The source of the raw materials are also much nearer to home than havingto airfreight diesel to Bario at exorbitant costs," he said when closingParti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB)'s "Capacity Building For A New Waveof Development" seminar at the Miri Indoor Stadium here.

About 1,500 PBB delegates and observers from its 62 divisions fromthroughout the state attended the two-day seminar, which was held in linewith the state's thrust in developing its human capital and in conjunctionwith PBB's 45th anniversary celebrations.

Abdul Taib, who is also PBB president, said the current hightransportation costs of importing fuel, including diesel, via the state'svarious ports, and the expected increase of fuel prices in the globalmarket, was a cause of concern and anxiety for most consumers, especiallythose in the interiors.

On the development of Bumiputera small and medium enterprises (SMEs), heproposed that the Sarawak Industrial Development Ministry's BumiputeraEntrepreneurs Development Division set up a One-Stop Business AdvisoryService Centre to assist bumiputera businessmen.

Taib also suggested that a Sarawak Bumiputera Tourist Agency be formed toenable PBB members to buy shares in it through the aid of a special fundand to provide business opportunities, such as the running of food outletsand cultural troupes, based on the vendor system.

Among the resolutions adopted at the seminar was a proposal to the SarawakIndustrial Development Ministry to set a bureau to enable swift action tobe taken to assist entrepreneurs when they needed help.

Other resolutions included proposals to the state government for a HumanResource Plan to provide educational and training facilities to meet thedemands of the employment market and more allocations from the EducationMinistry to uplift education in the state.