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Biotech Devt Shouldn't Be At Expense Of Public Saf
calendar22-09-2005 | linkBernama | Share This Post:

20/09/05 SAN FRANCISCO, (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri AbdullahAhmad Badawi says that biotechnology development should not come at theexpense of public safety or the environment.

The government had made a clear statement on the matter at theBiotechnology Roundtable Meeting 2005 attended by members of theinternational advisory panel, he told a media conference at the end of theone-day meeting here Monday.

He said the assessment of risks presented by biotechnology should be basedon facts and scientifically-based evidence and not on emotions orsensationalism.

Abdullah, who chaired the meeting, said Malaysia also recognised thatbiotechnology was a global race and that the country has its owncompetitive advantages and should not replicate strategies pursued byother countries.

Malaysia was advised to move quickly, balancing long-term efforts withinitiatives that show results in the near term, he said.

For instance, he said it was suggested that Malaysia leveraged on itsadvantages in outsourcing and ICT as well as partner with researchlaboratories and pharmaceutical companies to help bring down the cost ofdrug development.

"The meeting emphasised that biotechnology is a marathon and not a sprint.It was pointed out that financiers need to understand the nature ofbiotechnology in order to make a fair assessment of the risks involved,"Abdullah said.

On the issues touched at the meeting, the prime minister said itencompassed a broad-based dialogue on developing Malaysia's biotechnologysector as a whole as well as focused discussions on agriculturebiotechnology and health biotechnology.

He said the roundtable validated some of the government's earlier thinkingas well as provided new ideas.

Abdullah said the meeting was largely in agreement with respect to theareas already identified as strategic niches such as biotechnologyresearch on palm oil and manufacturing of biomedical devices.

The meeting also presented other strategic areas such as biotechnologyresearch on farm animals, especially in view of the increased crossover ofdiseases from animals to humans, he said.

He also said Malaysia needed to rapidly build up its human capital inbiotechnology, particularly in relation to scientists andbio-entrepreneurs.

The meeting also advised that opportunities for biotechnology workersneeded to be enhanced further to add to the human capital base and toreverse the brain drain.

In this regard, Abdullah said the upgrading of higher educationinstitutions to become centres of excellence was recognised as a vitalissue and the need for strong research universities was identified as animportant element in developing biotechnology clusters.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr JamaludinJarjis, Health Minister Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek, Penang Chief Minister TanSri Dr Koh Tsu Koon and Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustamwere among those who attended the roundtable.