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Criteria for sustainable palm oil finalised
calendar26-09-2005 | linkThe Star | Share This Post:

24/09/ 2005 9The Star) - THE Criteria Working Group (CWG) under theRoundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) initiative has finalised theprinciples and criteria (P&C) for verifying sustainable palm oilproduction worldwide.

A total of eight principles and 40 criteria are being developed, the firstof its kind in the world for a commodity.

RSPO president Jan Kees Vis said the final set of P&C would be tabled atthe third Roundtable and RSPO general assembly in Singapore in Novemberfor endorsement.

Speaking after concluding a CWG meeting in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, he saidthe P&C encompassed legal, economic, technical, environmental and socialaspects of palm oil production.

He said the P&C was intended to be globally applicable, covering existingand new plantations as well as dealing with sustainability issuesincluding environmental and social impacts of those involved in the wholesupply chain of palm oil production.

Jan Kes Vis

For example, issues like haze are covered through criteria thatspecifically cover the use of fires as well as land-clearing methods.

Other examples include the use of pesticides and the types of forest forconversion into oil palm plantation.

Monitoring of compliance would be done through verifications andcertifications of products.

Vis said once the P&C had been agreed upon, there would be a two-yeartrial run for its implementation, involving 28 plantation companiesworldwide.

The P&C will then be reviewed to consider the specifics and, thereafter,the review will be done every five years. – Bernama