Jumlah Bacaan: 228
Sudan IV dye found in various palm oil brands, UK
calendar24-10-2005 | linkMedical News Today | Share This Post:

20/10/2005 (Medical News Today) - The illegal dye Sudan IV has beenfound in batches of Active Spiced Palm Oil, GhanaUK Trade Ventures ZomiPure Palm Oil and Rika Ventures Palm Oil. The Food Standards Agency hasissued a Food Alert for Action.

Sudan dyes are red dyes that are used for colouring solvents, oils, waxes,petrol, and shoe and floor polishes. They are not allowed to be added tofood in the UK and the rest of the European Union.

So far the following sizes and date codes of these products are known tobe contaminated:

* Active Spiced Palm Oil 500ml, no minimum durability date or batch code

* GhanaUK Trade Brand Zomi Pure Palm Oil 1 litre, expiry date September2007

* Rika Ventures Palm Oil, 0.5 litres, no minimum durability date or batchcode

For more information read the Food Alert below.

About Sudan dyes

Sudan dyes have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals and thesefindings could also be significant for human health. Because Sudan dyesmay contribute to the development of cancer in people they are notconsidered safe to eat.

But there is no immediate risk of illness. At the levels found in thesefoods the risk is likely to be very small.

Food alerts

Food alerts are the FSA's way of letting local authorities and consumersknow about problems associated with food and, in some cases, providingdetails of specific action to be taken.

They are issued under two categories:

* Food Alerts: for Action

* Food Alerts: for Information