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First pure biodiesel pumps open in California
calendar24-05-2001 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

First pure biodiesel pumps open in CaliforniaSAN FRANCISCO, 5/23/2001( – As the nation confronts an energycrisis brought on in part by U.S. dependence on foreign petroleum, afueling station in San Francisco is giving motorists the chance to buy adomestically produced alternative to diesel fuel at a public pump.Olympian Inc. ( has partnered with World Energy Alternatives( and CytoCulture ( to open thenation’s first publicly accessible fueling station to offer purebiodiesel.Biodiesel is a cleaner-burning alternative fuel made from renewable fatsor oils, such as soybean oil, and can be burned in any diesel vehicle withlittle or no modification to the engine. Biodiesel and biodiesel blendshave been proven successful in more than 40 million road miles, and morethan 80 major fleets nationwide currently use the fuel commercially. Mostfleets using biodiesel are government fleets, transit agencies, nationalparks or school bus fleets – all of which have their own private fuelingstations. This is the first time that pure biodiesel (B100) will beavailable at a public fueling station."This is a significant step for the industry," said Joe Jobe, executivedirector of the National Biodiesel Board. "Although biodiesel is availablenationwide and anyone can buy it from a fuel distributor, having it at apublic pump simplifies the process for private citizens. There istremendous interest in biodiesel out there among environmentallyconscientious people, and we anticipate the fueling station will do a lotof business."At 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday May 23rd, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will takeplace at 2690 3rd Street in San Francisco. To underscore the event, SanFrancisco Supervisor Gavin Newsome and Peter Ward of the CaliforniaTransportation Office will speak about how biodiesel and other renewablefuels will benefit the City of San Francisco and the State of California.Bluewater Network Executive Director Russell Long will also speak abouthow renewable fuels like biodiesel are a practical and immediate way tocombat global warming and other environmental concerns. Bluewater Networkis a member of the Biodiesel Alliance, which is made up of environmentaland scientific groups supporting the use of biodiesel. To promoteawareness for the fuel’s operational qualities, Bluewater Network staffwearing mechanic's coveralls will pump free biodiesel, up to five gallonsper vehicle, from 10:15 AM to 11:00 AM.A similar fueling station opened today in Sparks, Nevada outside Reno.That station offers B20 at the pump rather than B100.The fuel performs similarly to petroleum diesel, but is non-toxic,biodegradable and free of sulfur. Biodiesel is a registered fuel with theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA), and its use significantly reducesharmful emissions. On average, the use of biodiesel cuts carbon monoxideby 44%, unburned hydrocarbons by 68% and particulate matter by 40%compared to petroleum-based diesel. Biodiesel reduces air toxics by up to90 percent. In some engines, nitrous oxide emissions are increasedslightly, but still within EPA regulations. Biodiesel contains nopetroleum, but it can be blended with diesel at any level or used in itspure form.Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have completed the HealthEffects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990. TheDepartment of Energy (DOE) estimates the cancer-causing potential ofbiodiesel exhaust is at least 80 percent less than that of petroleumdiesel. Additionally, DOE lifecycle analysis shows a 78 percent reductionin CO2, the primary greenhouse gas attributed to global warming.Readers can learn more about biodiesel by visiting The National Biodiesel Board is funded in partby the United Soybean Board and state soybean board checkoff programs.