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MPOB To Hold Seminar On Commercialising Oil Palm B
calendar09-10-2001 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 6 (Bernama) - With 35 million tonnes of oil palm biomassbeing produced as a result of extracting 10 million tonnes of crude palmoil in Malaysia annually, opportunities are abound for turning the wastematerial into commercial use, it was announced today.

Oil palm biomass comes from empty fruit bunches, trunks and fronds.

A spokesman of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) said that advances intechnology had enabled the biomass to be used for making a wide range ofproducts like pulp and paper, panels, furniture and even car componentsand a medium for planting.

The suitability of this biomass as a raw materal for wood-based industrieshas been proven in trials in pilot plants and industrial plants. Wecertainly feel that the commercialisation of technologies using oil palmbiomass could be further improved, he said.

In an effort to disseminate the latest information on availabletechnologies, MPOB will hold a seminar on "Opportunities in thecommercialisation of oil palm biomass" here on Oct 15 and 16.

The MPOB spokesman said the seminar, to be declared open by primaryindustries minister Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik, would be jointlyorganised with two German organisations, the Frauhofer liaison office inMalaysia and the Hannover-Hildesheim Chamber of Commerce of the State ofLower Saxonia.

The commercialisation of most of the technologies is best implemented bysmall and medium scale entrepreneurs where the government is in a positionto provide support such as financial facilities, the spokesman said.

Funding is viewed as one of the most important factors in thecommercialisation of oil palm biomass and the seminar will also discusssome of the funding facilities offered by the Malaysian government andGermany.

The MPOB spokesman said Germany's experience in the commercialisation ofwood products by SMEs woud be useful in assisting commercialisationefforts of oil palm biomass by SMEs in Malaysia.

Deliberations at the seminar will include the properties of oil palmbiomass, cost of transporting it, experiences of local entrepreneurs inusing the medium and enhancing assistance to SMEs via research anddevelopment.

Enquiries on the seminar can be obtained from MPOB at tel. no. 03-89282473fax no. 03-89259446 or email -- BERNAMA