Jumlah Bacaan: 268
Find Ways To Increase CPO Consumption Amidst Shipm
calendar12-10-2001 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

LANGKAWI, Oct 10 (Bernama) -- Primary Industries Minister Datuk Seri DrLim Keng Yaik said here on Wednesday that industry players in theMalaysian palm oil sector should find ways to increase palm oilconsumption following disruption in its shipment.

"Now is the best time also to look at other aspects such as replanting ofold palm trees," he said after attending the weekly Cabinet meetingchaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad at Rumah Kabinetin Gunung Raya here.

Malaysia's palm oil shipments to Pakistan are currently facing disruptionsdue to shippers' reluctance to ply the Arabian Sea due to insurancecompanies' refusal to cover their ships amidst tensions caused by theUS-led attacks on Afghanistan.

Dr Lim said that the Cabinet had given some directions "on how to go aboutit and make arrangements" to overcome the palm oil shipment disruptions toPakistan. However, he did not elaborate.

He said that in order to overcome the problems, adjustments should be madeto find other routes to ensure that the shipments could reach Pakistan andbeyond.

"We have to look at getting the palm oil through war zone area or what theinsurance called war race area," he said.

Last week, Dr Lim had said that the government would ensure an even flowof crude palm oil exports to Pakistan be maintained despite the disruptionto certain shipping trades.

He has instructed the Malaysian Palm Oil Board to find ways to solveproblems of shipping crude palm oil to Pakistan. -- BERNAMA