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Thermo Tech Technologies contracts service enginee
calendar09-09-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

PETALING JAYA, Malaysia, Sept. 3 (PR Newswire) - THERMO TECH(tm)TECHNOLOGIES INC. is pleased to announce that as part of its projectdevelopment program for Thermo Master(tm) Mark III-P plants in Malaysia,it has completed a service contract with design engineer Dick EngineeringInc. of Toronto Canada. The Company has previously announced that it hasretained Mensilin Holdings Sdn Bhd in association with Perunding AME SdnBhd, to perform the project specific engineering for Malaysia. By havingboth the system design engineer and an in-country engineering servicesprovider, the Company has established a sound base for delivering MarkIII-P projects to the oil palm processors with which it has beendiscussing future projects.Dick Engineering has supplied engineering services to the Company since1995, and has been retained to provide engineering services on the ThermoMaster(tm) Mark III-P projects. Dick Engineering's expertise has beenutilised on such projects to date as, troubleshooting and expansion ofexisting operations and construction of a new plant in Richmond, BC, DickEngineering has worked closely with all levels of Thermo Tech Technologiesto obtain a firm understanding of the complex biological process involved.Dick Engineering has been involved in every aspect of the system designfor the Mark III process and plant and is able to interface with theCompany's in-country engineer, Mensilin Holdings to assure fast andeffective delivery of the optimised Mark III-P plant. As a result, DickEngineering is able to provide innovative and cost effective solutions.Mr. Charles Miller, President of Thermo Tech(tm) Technologies Inc. and CEOof Firmaplus Sdn Bhd stated today, "I am pleased that our Malaysiantechnical team has been strengthened by the addition of Dick EngineeringInc.Malaysia is the world leader in palm oil production, producing almost 50%of the world's supply. Oil mills are found throughout the country,totalling approximately 380 mills with average hourly capacity of 40-45tonnes, each equating to a Thermo Master(tm) Mark III-P plant of about 600tonne per day capacity. New mills tend to be larger than the average size,more in the range of 80-90 tonnes per hour.The company is currently in discussions with a number of millers with theintention of identifying and securing the ten projects it has projectedfor the coming year. Several of these discussions have advanced to asignificant stage, while others are still at a preliminary level.Mr. Ismail Radi, Chairman commented, "We are pleased with the response ofthe palm oil industry to our initiatives. My goal is to immediatelyidentify 10 projects for sequenced starts throughout the coming year.Mr. Radi concluded, "I have waited some time to be able to announce thiskind of technical progress in building our business in Malaysia. I lookforward to being able to bring further news of developments and evenspecific projects as we begin to roll out the Thermo Master(tm) Mark III-Pplants in our market."Thermo Tech Technologies Inc. is involved in organic waste recycling.Thermo Tech's patented thermophilic process is utilized in compact andenvironmentally friendly Thermo Master(tm) plants to convert biodegradablefood waste into high protein animal feed and wastewater treatment sludgesinto fertilizer concentrate.Certain statements contained herein are "forward looking statements" (assuch term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of1995). These statements are based upon the belief of the Company'smanagement, as well as assumptions made beyond information currentlyavailable to the Company's management. Because such "forward lookingstatements" are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results maydiffer materially from those expressed or implied. Such "forward lookingstatements" include but are not limited to, competitive factors, generaleconomic condition, customer relations, relationships with vendors,government supervision and regulation, product introductions andacceptance, technological changes in industry practices, and other factorsdiscussed in filings made by the Company with the Securities and ExchangeCommission.

ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF:THERMO TECH(tm) TECHNOLOGIES INC."Ismail Radi"Per:Ismail RadiChairman(tm) The terms Thermo Tech(tm) and Thermo Master(tm) are registeredtrademarks of Thermo Tech(tm) Technologies Inc. The term Thermo Master(tm)is licensed for use by Hamilton Bio Conversion Inc., and Richmond BioConversion Inc.SOURCE Thermo Tech(tm) Technologies Inc.CONTACT: Thermo Tech(tm) Technologies Inc. (TTRI.F), 603 7956-6000;