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Lack of distribution infrastructure for biodiesel
calendar22-10-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

(Soybean Digest) Less dependence on foreign oil topped the write-inresponses to a biofuels online survey just conducted by Soybean Digest.One farmer wrote: "I am sending fewer dollars to the Middle East to useagainst us and fuel terror."Another wrote: "I won't give Arab oil countries my dollars if I don't haveto."And another: "I don't like dependence on our sworn enemies for anything."As expected, some write-in responses to our survey were more passionatethan others. But most of the 353 respondents also pointed to therenewable, home-grown advantages of producing ethanol and biodiesel. Mostbelieve, and appear to be proud, that the use of renewable fuels will helpthe farm economy and the prices they get paid for corn and beans.Ethanol, of course, has long had widespread use and acceptance. But that'snot the case for new kid on the block, biodiesel.For example, a surprise in our survey is that more than half (61%) ofrespondents say biodiesel isn't available in their area or they don't knowwhere to purchase it. But of those who have used biodiesel, 94% plan tocontinue using it.So despite the promotion efforts of the United Soybean Board, the AmericanSoybean Association and the National Biodiesel Board, there's still a biggap in biodiesel availability.Eventually, state and/or federal mandatory biodiesel legislation will pumpmore life into this renewable fuel. It will also make it more readily andeasily available in your areas.Until then, demand that your local fuel supplier stock biodiesel. Beforceful and keep the biodiesel wheels rolling.To help you find out where and what's available in your area, log on to or call your local and state soybean association.You can also stay abreast of how the renewable fuels standard isprogressing in the federal energy bill. We'll keep you posted here and Once on our site, please check out our special reportcalled "The Biofuels Boom" and the full results of our biofuels onlinesurvey.See Brazil Beans Up CloseIf you're looking for a winter getaway, take a look at Soybean Digest'sfarm tour to Brazil on Feb. 1-14, 2003. It's a tailor-made trip that getsyou to some of Brazil's biggest and best soybean production areas.Sign-up deadline is Nov. 1. For information, contact KITT Travel at800-635-5488 or log on to: