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Palm oil to continue as leading Indonesian export
calendar17-12-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

Jakarta, Dec 11 (ANTARA) - Crude palm oil (CPO) as one of Indonesia'sleading commodities outside natural oil is predicted to enjoy thefavourable position at least in the next ten years.General chairman of the Indonesian Plantation Companies Association (GPP),Bengkulu chapter, Sri Mulyono Herlambang said here Wednesday many factorscould make Indonesia's plantation produce to become leading commodities,such as the expansion of the existing acreage of oil palm plantations,especially in Sumatera and Sulawesi, the fact that the quality and volumeof production could still be increased by using superior seeds.In addition the increasing CPO consumption in line with the increasinglydiversified end-products like cooking oil, margarine, soap and cosmetics,while competitors in processed products of sunflower and soya bean arestill very few.He also said that as the result of intensive research work, at least 50derivatives can be produced from CPO. The latest discovery was made by ahealth researcher who had found that CPO can serve as an inhibitor ofcancerous cells, while in Malaysia, palmoil has been developed into fuelto replace natural oil.Other support factors include the location of the Indonesian archipelagobeing right on the equator with its tropical climate highly suitable forthe raising of oil palm crops.Herlambang, who happens to be a former Indonesian Air Force chief ofstaff, and now member of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), saidBengkulu Province alone has cultivated some 100,000 ha of its land withoil palm trees, and this acreage could still be doubled in the future. Notto mention those in some other provinces in Sumatera, Sulawesi and IrianJaya.To promote the quality and volume of CPO production in Bengkulu,Herlambang along with 22 members of the GPP have started socializing theuse of crop cards for each farmer who runs a smallholder plantation withthe use of Marihat superior seeds as recommended by the government.Through the GPP of Bengkulu, Herlambang also hoped some day he, along withthe Bengkulu administration, could build a cooking oil factory to meetdomestic needs, provide employment for the local people, and contribute tothe earnings of the local administration.