Jumlah Bacaan: 212
NREB Undertakes Pilot Study On Pollution From Used
calendar30-12-2002 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

SIBU, Dec 29 (Bernama) -- Sarawak's Natural Resource and EnvironmentalBoard (NREB) will undertake a pilot study on environmental pollutioncaused by used cooking oil.State Environment and Public Health Minister Datuk William Mawan said thata grant of RM500,000 had been allocated for the purpose.

"We are very concerned with the possible pollution to the environmentcaused by the wanton discharge of used oil into the drains by eateries inthe state. The oil will eventually find its way to our water systems."

He told Bernama this after presenting prizes last night to winners of acleanliness and beautification competition for schools, longhouses,eateries, private homes and villages organised annually by the Sibu ruraldistrict council.

He said that under the study, it was proposed that the oil be trapped andtreated before being released.

Once the study was completed, all eatery operators would be required toequip their kitchens with the recommended trapping apparatus before theirlicences could be renewed, he said.

Earlier, in his speech, Mawan said that there was a need to come up withnew policies to check all kinds of pollution while the state wasdeveloping and its population relatively small.

For example, there was a need to constantly monitor the effect to riverswater quality due to oil palm mill as well as upstream timber operations.

On the competition, he said it reflected the ongoing concern by thegovernment through its various agencies to protect the environment andpublic health.

"When we have a clean and beautiful environment, we are obviously having abetter standard of living which will make our place very attractive tooutside tourists." he said.