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'Massive expansion' of coconut industry proposed b
calendar21-01-2003 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

Chito A. Fuentes, PDI Visayas Bureau 01/14/2003TAGBILARAN CITY-While the coconut industry in Bohol faces seriousproblems, it still remains a viable source of livelihood for most of theprovince's farmers.This claim was made in a concept paper prepared by Bali Farms and CropsResearch Center submitted to the provincial government.Bali Farms, a Cagayan de Oro-based research and production institution,and the Bohol-based People's Fair Trade Assistance Center, is proposing aprogram for the "massive, comprehensive and sustained rehabilitation,expansion and development of the coconut industry in Bohol."The center is offering its expertise and resources to serve as one of themain catalysts for the development of the coconut sector.It offers assistance in the introduction of high-yielding andearly-maturing coconut hybrids and "the most modern farm productiontechnologies" in facilitating the development of new products andcoconut-based industries.High-yielding varieties include those certified by the Philippine CoconutAuthority (PCA) that bear flowers and fruits starting on the 18th and 30thmonths after planting.If promoted and distributed, the paper claimed that five years afterplanting, they would be yielding four to six tons of nuts per hectare peryear, "up to six times the present average production," which is half totwo tons per hectare per year.The center said that among the technologies it will promote is theintercropping of fruit trees, annuals (such as bananas), and cash cropswith the coconut trees."This shall maximize the use of the land planted to coconut, while at thesame time provide interim and supplementary income to the farms," thepaper noted.It also offered the propagation of modern coconut farm managementpractices, including organic fertilizer production and usage."This ensures fast growth of palms and trees, while reducing the cost offarm inputs," the paper said.It pointed out that the development of organic coconut sugar productioncould mean a big increase in the income of coconut farmers.The paper noted that coconut sugar, or muscovado, from coconut has a highnutritive value. It is derived from coconut toddy (or the coconut winewithout the dreg).Aside from sugar, the center identified other products that can bedeveloped from coconut, such as virgin oil (a high value product fromcoconut), oleo chemicals (from coconut crude oil) and consumer productslike coco nectar soup, coco sap concentrates (100 percent fruit juicesweetener) and many others.

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