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Ghana's president to launch initiative on oil palm
calendar25-01-2003 | linkNULL | Share This Post:

Accra, Jan 22, 2003 (COMTEX) --The President's Initiative on Oil Palmwould be launched nation-wide in April, this year.The venue and other logistics are being worked out by a four-memberCommittee headed by Nana Otuo Siriboe II, Juabenhene.This was disclosed to the press by Mr Kwabena Agyapong, Press Secretary tothe President after the Committee had presented its Interim Report toPresident J.A. Kufuor at the Castle, Osu on Tuesday.Mr Agyapong said the Committee was of the view that the Oil Palm Industryhad great potential and could make a tremendous impact on the economy. Hesaid the Committee had initiated nursery plantations to cultivate 100,000hectares over the next three years to make up for the shortfall of 940,000tonnes in local consumption of palm oil, which individuals had to importannually in addition to 1.2 million tonnes in the sub-region.The Committee noted that 300,000 hectares of oil palm plantations wouldsatisfy this demand but would require support from the government.Mr Agyapong said nucleus farms, small-holder farms and out-grower schemeswould be established to feed oil mills in areas known to be viable for oilpalm plantation in the country.To mitigate land litigation, the Committee suggested that reclaimed landsin mining areas should be used as the stock of land.Other members of the Committee are Mr Ishmael Yamson, Chairman, UNILEVER,Mr Kwasi Poku a Chemical Engineer and Dr J.B. Wonkyi-Appiah, formerDirector of the Oil Palm Institute.