Rains not seen delaying Argentine soya harvest
BUENOS AIRES (March 29 2003) : Rains that hit Argentina's main soyaregions on Friday were not expected to delay the record harvest in theworld's No 3 producer because warm weather will allow farmers to re-enterthe fields in short order, a government weather specialist said.
Rains were forecast for Friday, Saturday and Sunday across large swathesof Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Santa Fe provinces -- the heart of theArgentine soyabelt -- said Cesar Rebella, who heads the state-run Waterand Climate Institute.
But warm weather means the ground will likely dry quickly, and the harvestcan begin again soon.
The government expects to produce a record 34 million to 35 million tonnesof the oilseed in the 2002/03 season, up from 30 million tonnes lastseason.