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PIPOC 2003 To Unveil Latest Findings In Palm Oil I
calendar22-05-2003 | linkBernama | Share This Post:

KUALA LUMPUR, May 20 (Bernama) -- The biennial Palm Oil InternationalCongress 2003 (PIPOC) this year will showcase a wider spectrum of theindustry's strength moving forward as the cheapest edible oil in theworld.

The congress, to be held for five days from Aug 24, is expected to unveilthe latest findings, new technologies, products and opportunities to charta more dynamic industry in the global oils and fats market.

Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)'s director-general, Datuk Dr YusofBasiron, said that strong technical programme to be presented byhigh-calibre experts is also being proposed for the Congress.

He said that as an industry, palm oil thrives on its ability to adopttechnologies and practices that enhance competitiveness in production andsupply.

"However, palm oil will be a more powerful player in the world's oils andfats sector if the industry continues to emphasise on adding values topalm oil products in specific areas such as oleochemical, biomassexploitation, energy, pharmaceutical, food and industrial applications,"he said in the foreword contained in the event promotional brochure.

To be held in Putrajaya, the theme of this year's congress organised byMPOB is "Palm Oil: The Power-house for the Global Oils & Fats Economy."

Yusof said that PIPOC 2003 would examine the many facets of the"power-house" that successfully drives the world's oils and fats economy.

He said that important issues and topics to be addressed at the congressare research and development, agriculture, environment, chemistry andtechnology, food and nutrition, oleochemicals, economics, trade andmarketing.

The congress is also expected to be a landmark for the entire industrywhere a bigger attendance than ever is expected.

The last meeting held in August 2001 in Kuala Lumpur attracted over 1,000participants from 43 countries.

The participants range from palm oil growers, processors, exporters,traders, handling companies, importers, technology and services suppliers,manufacturers, scientists and policymakers.

The palm oil industry has developed remarkably well in the last fourdecades which was unmatched by 16 other oils and fats.

Accounting for some 21 percent of the world's production and 46 percent ofthe world's trade in oils and fats in 2002, palm oil has become asignificant contributor to the global oils and fats economy.

Palm oil generates a variety of business activities that have immenselybenefited the people involved in both producing and consuming countries.