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Malaysia Bags Three Trophies In Asean Energy Award
calendar07-07-2003 | linkBERNAMA | Share This Post:

LANGKAWI, July 4 (Bernama) -- Malaysia bagged three trophies at the AseanEnergy Awards 2003 Thursday night in conjunction with the 21st AseanMinisters on Energy Meeting (Amem).

Energy, Telecommunications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Amar Leo Moggie,who is the 21st Amem chairman, presented the awards to the winners at agala dinner held in conjunction with Amem, which ended on Thursday.

The awards, first introduced in 2000, were aimed at promoting excellencein the energy field by giving recognition to both the public and privatesectors for making an effort to adopt good practices in energy efficiency,conservation and, new and renewable source of energy.

In the new and renewable source of energy (NRSE) category, Keck Seng (M)Berhad's integrated palm oil processing complex in Masai, Johor, emergedas winner for the off-grid category.

The company puts emphasis on innovative technologies to maximise the useof wastes as a source of fuel.

The company has made significant advances in harnessing biogas and biomassresidues as well as developing new schemes to reduce steam consumption.

Kedah's Ban Heng Rice Mill Pte Ltd took the runner-up spot in the samecategory for using rice husk wastes as fuel in a cogeneration plant toproduce 470kw of electricity.

In the retrofitted category for best practices competition for energyefficient buildings, Malaysian Electronics Materials (MEM) emerged asrunner-up.

MEM introduced its electricity target achievement system (Metas) inDecember 1999 as a guide for the management and staff on ways to reduceenergy by eliminating unnecessary energy wastage and to continuouslyassist in restoring a friendly environment.

In new and existing category for best practices competition for energyefficient buildings, Shinawatra Universiti of Thailand emerged winnerwhile Singapore's Grand Hyatt won the retrofitted category.

Thailand's Bo Keo hydro electric project emerged as winner for the on-gridcategory in NRSE projects.