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Major Export Commodities Not Affected By Action In
calendar06-11-2003 | linkBernama | Share This Post:

JELI, Nov 3 (Bernama) -- The call for boycott of Malaysian products in theUS by Jew lobbyists is not expected to have a major impact on thecountry's main export commodities, says Executive Director of the NationalEconomic Action Council (NEAC), Datuk Mustapa Mohamed.

He said the US was not a major market for Malaysia's rubber and palm oiland therefore the efforts to boycott the commodities would not leave anydent.

"The action would not jeopardise or affect the Malaysian economy as themajor markets for these commodities are in Asia," he said here Monday.

He said in recaping the activities of the US based Jew lobby group, SimonWiesenthal, which is making efforts towards disturbing Malaysia's tourismand investment sector.

He said the boycott move was part of efforts to get back at the speechmade by former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, during the recent10th Summit of the Organisation of Islamic Conference in Putrajaya. Hisspeech has been considered as being anti-Jews by some western quarters.

Mustapa also said that the price of rubber, currently at a relativelyhigher level, was expected to be maintained until middle of next year withhigh demands from China.

He said the Chinese economy which is growing fast in the automobile andmanufacutring industry required a lot of rubber from Malaysia for itsvarious productions particularly tyres.

Meanwhile, India which has one of the largest population in the world isthe largest buyer of Malaysia's palm oil, he said.

"I am convinced that the efforts of the Jew lobbyists would not bring anyeffects. Instead, the rural people who are involved in the production ofrubber and palm oil would continue to see satisfactory gains," he said.