Jumlah Bacaan: 217
Opportunities For Malaysian Businessmen In Banglad
calendar24-02-2004 | linkBernama | Share This Post:

DHAKA, Feb 18 (Bernama) -- Penang's Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Dr Hilmibin Yahya described his four-day visit to Bangladesh as fruitful and saidit would contribute positively to enhancing economic cooperation betweenthe two countries.

"A lot of opportunities exist in Bangladesh for Malaysian businessmen andentrepreneurs," he said, adding that both the countries would gain fromMalaysian investment.

Dr Hilmi is currently heading a 21-member trade delegation on a four-dayvisit to Dhaka. The delegation arrived here on Sunday.

"The purpose of my visit was to explore opportunities for Malaysianbusinessmen, especially for the businessmen of Penang," Dr Hilmi said,here Wednesday before leaving for home.

"I am going back with a very good impression of the business environmentin Bangladesh," he said, pointing out that a number of areas had beenidentified where Malaysians could invest and do business.

Referring to Bangladesh's duty-free access facilities to European Union,America, Canada and other countries, Dr Hilmi said that Malaysianentrepreneurs could set up industries in Bangladesh and enjoy theduty-free facilities to export their goods from here.

He said Penang's entrepreneurs could also set up industries in Bangladeshto produce electrical and electronic goods, which would get market both inBangladesh and abroad.

On the growing demand for refined palm oil in Bangladesh, Dr Hilmi said,"Malaysian entrepreneurs can earn more profit if they set up palm oilrefineries in this country."

The Deputy Chief Minister said there was also good demand for fresh halalmeat in Penang and in other states of Malaysia.

"Bangladesh can earn a lot by exporting halal meat to Malaysia," he said.He also added that Malaysian entrepreneurs could set up fast food shops inBangladesh.

Among what Penang had to offer, he said good medical services and highereducation at comparatively cheaper cost were some of them.

Dr Hilmi added that while there were many business opportunities inBangladesh, he had, however, asked the delegation members to follow up andcontinue on their efforts to put into reality the plans.

He suggested that Bangladeshi entrepreneurs also follow up theirdiscussions with Malaysian counterparts.

During his stay in Dhaka, Dr Hilmi and his delegation members held formaltalks with leading businessmen and senior government officials ofBangladesh.

He also called on Bangladesh Commerce Minister Amir Khosru MahmudChowdhury, Telecommunication Minister Mohammad Aminul Haque, StateMinister for Expatriates' Welfare & Overseas Employment Mohammad QuamrulIslam and State Minister for Tourism Mir Mohammad Nasiruddin.